I am not apologetic for these reasons.

Not too long ago I thought I was making a friendly contribution to the readers of this site and was personally attacked for my good intentions. It shouldn't be all that diffficult for you to find if you wanted to read it.

With that post, I took what I thought was a high road by responding with a meager rebuttal of sorts and the poster only added more insults. I will no longer be the recipient of any tongue lashings or subjected to rudeness from the members of this, or any other site without responding with equal or greater force... period.

I can be one of the friendliest people you will ever meet. But, I will also treat you the way you treat me. I also realize there can be misunderstandings, and even if there were no misunderstandings, I will still hold no grudges. I will always apologize if I feel I am the one who needs to.

Blade Wielder, as far as I am concerned, this issue between us is dead. I said what I had to say and I'm done with it. From your tandem responses, I still feel justified in saying what I did. I am only disappointed that this thread got cheapened with the tangent.

I added this "Off Topic" post because it touched my heart and it brought to the surface some of the issues I have been dealing with for about thirty seven years now regarding war and loss of life. I cannot listen to taps without crying... I hope and pray you are never personally touched by this kind of tragedy... it is hard to live with... all the time.

It is just fine with me that everyone will not agree with my politics or my views on life. I can respect you even if I don't agree with you. I also encourage debate over issues that are debatable.

The web site I referenced could have been about honoring a fallen soldier from Oregon and I still would have ended my statement, "... and this is why I love Oregon." The point was that finally, I say finally, I see a hero in my eyes was getting some respect he truly deserves.

It is obvious that every funeral in Texas, or any other state is not always like this. But I believe that if one of our soldiers dies while in service of this country, they should all be honored this way. The response
Does that happen at every person's funeral in Texas?
did not come across as genuine, honest, or appropriate even if you are from another country, a protester, or anything else.

It's obvious that you are also educated. I bit my tongue after the first response and wanted clarification, so I asked if we were just being a smart ass. That was a clear invitation to nip it in the bud then and there with some sort of denial to the accusation because it was pretty plain and to the point.

So when the response to that looked like it was intended to be cute or to embarass me by surfacing with, "I'll take that as a no", the shots were fired, and I shot back.

For the positive comments about James Kiehl and the good people from Comfort and Center Point, Texas, I thank you...