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Thread: Clutter

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Default Clutter

    This isn't in the nature of 'true confessions' but I have a real problem with this. Having been divorced 25 or so years ago I've been happily solo ever since with a couple of near matrimonial misses. The plus side is I do what I want and have no one to ride herd on me. The minus side is that I am a messy and disorganized guy and I am inundated with clutter. Anyone else have this problem ? I know what the solution is but I have a problem throwing stuff away. Seems that without fail if I give it away, sell it or toss it six months later I need one of whatever it was.
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  2. #2
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    This isn't in the nature of 'true confessions' but I have a real problem with this. Having been divorced 25 or so years ago I've been happily solo ever since with a couple of near matrimonial misses. The plus side is I do what I want and have no one to ride herd on me. The minus side is that I am a messy and disorganized guy and I am inundated with clutter. Anyone else have this problem ? I know what the solution is but I have a problem throwing stuff away. Seems that without fail if I give it away, sell it or toss it six months later I need one of whatever it was.
    I used to be cluttered, but knew where everything was in the clutter.

    I am now clutter free, but cannot find anything.

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  4. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    My apartment is a pretty huge mess. I go through phases where I clean, but also have phases where I walk in my door and drop things wherever I want. Then again, I'm young and I've never lived with a female in any capacity (except when I lived with my mom; then my room was a mess and the rest of the house wasn't). I'm highly organized, but only when I'm outside of my home.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Guilty as charged. Thankfully my wife is not a neat freak, but I'm much messier than she is. Overall it's not a good character trait to have.

    I blame it on my Mom (Ok, Ok, not really) but when I was growing up she rarely got on my about cleaning my room and at its worst, there were times when the layer of stuff and dirty clothes on the floor of my small bedroom was easily 12" high. Funny thing though, I knew and still know the general location of virtually everything I have laying around.

    Chris L
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  6. #5
    I Dull Sheffields
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    My live-in girlfriend keeps me clutter-free. I have little corners though, where I keep all my stuff out of sight. As long as she can't see it she's happy.

    Now, my corners are completely disorganized.

  7. #6
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    I'm cluttered, but I'm not allowed to be. All I can get away with is my nightstand. If released into my natural habitat, everything but the kitchen and bathroom are cluttered

  8. #7
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Guilty as charged. I used to be a neat freak, my bedroom was spotless, but when my Dad retired it went downhill from there. Dad won't toss anything if he thinks he can use it, so when I would toss something, he would see it in the trash and invariably ask "you're not throwing his away are you?". It was pretty much pointless to toss anything, so here I am. It probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have so many collectibles also rofl. (razors, mugs, brushes, shaving mirrors, antique lamps,walking canes, cameras, hats, buffalo figures)

  9. #8
    Member MNRazor's Avatar
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    Lucky for all of you clutterbugs, i'm here to help. I will happily relieve you of any shaving related clutter you have laying around.

    Yes, I am also a clutter person. Trash that I have maybe used once, I still somehow justify keeping it around for years...

  10. #9
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Being a collect-aholic myself I'm also classified as a clutter machine. I don't see it that way but my wife does. I have to be able to see my stuff, or it doesn't exsist...

  11. #10
    Professional Pedantic Pontificator
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    I used to let things turn into a huge mess, but moving into a 425 sq ft studio apartment cured me of that.

    If I don't keep things tidy, I can't do anything.

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