Tonight on the way home from the store, I passed a man who was doing about 15 in a 30. As I easily passed him on my motorcycle, he blared his horn and flipped me off. I didn't return any gestures or even shake my head. As I pulled into my apartment complex, he again blared his horn.

While I was talking to my wife in the parking lot, he pulls up. This man has followed me home and is yelling obscenities at me. I tell him I'm not interested then ignore him. He doesn't live in the apartment complex, he just wanted to come by and tell me how much of an asshole I am. Thankfully he never left his car and didn't make any sudden moves, otherwise the outcome might have been different.

I would never dream of doing that to anyone, even the many people who have come close to killing me. You don't know what this person has and how sane they are. I could've been a nutter with a gun for all he knew.

What do you guys think about this?