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Thread: Social Security - Take it or leave it?

  1. #31
    Senior Member sarend's Avatar
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    Well, it began as voluntary, and then is was not. It had a small contribution and now it does not--it's large. It used to be in a fund all by itself to assure the money would be there for all generations, and now it is not. I have thousands into it, and I don't think I will get a dime back. I just want my money back. I don't need interest; I just want all my principal back. I can take care of myself.

  2. #32
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I think if you've paid into social security (whichever country you happen to be living in) then you have every right to take out of it.

    If, like a number of people seem to be doing in the UK, you are contributing nothing then I dont see why you have any right to benefit from that safety net.

    The idea behind social security is a good one, that it will support you in times of dire need such as unemployment or health issues. Where its gone wrong is that it is too easy for people to take advantage and use the welfare as a way of life, rather than as short term support.

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