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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLSU View Post
    As the father of two daughters and the step father of two more, he wouldn't have lived this long had it been any of mine.

    (I've been dyin' to use this one!)
    HEAR HEAR!!!!

  2. #32
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Of course the victim wants the whole thing buried. he reached an out of court settlement with her and she probably got millions. Just think if we allowed every rich guy to buy his or her way out of any trouble they might get into. Actually its bad enough since it already happens.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #33
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    Typical ... say "rape" and the worst, most vengeful, aspects in our natures rear their ugly heads.

    As Gugi mentioned mentioned that the 'victim' has long ago settled out of court with Polanski and considers the matter finished? Also, Polanski plead guilty for a plea bargain which the judge was about to renege on and that's why he fled the country. He has clearly displayed that he is no threat to the public in the last four decades. This case is far from open and shut.
    Threat to society has nothing to do with it he was convicted and fled the country. He has time left to do. There is no reason his time should be swept under the rug because it's so long ago and he is a famous cineast.

    Now, as to my reaction:
    Life is a struggle, but the difference is that we, adults, can take care of ourselves. Or at least we can choose to prepare for anything. We live or die by our choices. We play the game for what it's worth, we may be cheated, but at least we know we are playing.

    My oldest daughter is 4, and has no concept of evil. She does not grasp the idea that there are people who hurt others for their own enjoyment. To destroy that innocence when they live in a world in which that doesn't exist is the worst sin imo. If there is one thing I hold dear in life, it is the sanctity of innocence and rightfullness of a child being able to grow up unscarred. Kids are off limits.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't buy that he has "proved himself not a threat". He openly had a "relationship" with a 15 year old girl in Europe, and who knows how many others have been bought off to keep quiet. A man in his thirties or forties who drugs and rapes 13 year-olds, and dates 15 year-olds, is known as a "pedophile" in my book. And an apparently unrepentant one...

  5. #35
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    He is a wolf among lambs but a coward among the strong no doubt. The cost of a bullet is not yet too high to do this man in ( and I use the term "man" loosely ).

    Here is an interesting bit I ran across:Hollywood Left Bands Together to Fight Polanski Arrest - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment -

    I think this story demonstrates how out of step Hollywood is to the rest of America let alone the world.

  6. #36
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    its one thing to be say, 18 and dating a 17 year old, its another to be 40 something and raping a 13 year old. There are cases where I think "rape" is the wrong word (in strong relationships with both people from 16 to 20 I'd say, depending) but in many many cases it is the right word.

    There is another thread somewhere about manliness. A man takes responsibility and accepts his guilt and any punishment placed on him. A coward shirks responsibility, tries to pass his gilt and runs from lawful punishment.

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  8. #37
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    I think that he should pay for the crime he committed. And I dont think that the fact that he is a well known and much liked celebrity should stand in the way of that.

    People do seem to get a bit of a blind spot when it comes to celebrities committing crimes, as if its not actually a crime but just an eccentricity that we should humour. But we need to treat them in the same way as if it were Joe Bloe who did it.

    If we were talking about a bin man from the back of beyond we wouldnt even be having this debate, we would all want them brought to justice. The fact that its Roman Polanski we're talking about seems to have muddied the water and it shouldnt have. Crimes against children are inexcusable, regardless of who the perpetrator is.

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    .... If there is one thing I hold dear in life, it is the sanctity of innocence and rightfullness of a child being able to grow up unscarred. Kids are off limits.
    I agree completely.

  10. #39
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure where I stand on this one. On the one hand, he broke the law. And teh law is the law, and it's the law for a reason.

    On the other hand, the victim filed to have charges dropped, and I think that counts for something. The crime would never be known of if the victim had not reported it, and, to some extent, I think this crime is between the perpetrator and the victim. A possibly parallel example is assisted suicide. Technicly, I suppose it's murder, but if you can be 100% certain that the person who dies wanted to die in the way that they died with the help of the person who killed them, should the person who killed them be punished?

    I guess my point is, it's a crime against an individual, not the public, and since the laws are in place to protect the individual, I think the individual should have the right to wave that protection. At least I think that's what I think...

  11. #40
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    ofcourse the victim would rather have this behind her at this date. but kiddy diddlers are at the very bottom of my list . and hes got it comeing. lock him up and throw away the key.its abought time that "freedom and justus for all" appplys to all not just to those who are nameless and dont have mega bucks to buy off the system.

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