this ought to get some great comments. most of you know i enjoy a great debate. so here goes.
i for one do not believe in any type of global warming/climate change as the facts are just not there. all the hype is based on computer models and not real science. just like the acid rain a few years back, which was proved to be just hype(no skin burns/paint peeling off cars/gravestones being dissolved). i believe it is cyclic. it is pretty easy to look up the weather charts and see the cycles in 20 and 50 years(roughly).
researchers are coming out more everyday stating there is no proof. in fact russian research teams are predicting a mini ice age. since 1998 there has been a slight cooling to the oceans and atmosphere.
one of the biggest claims is the polar caps are melting. what they are not saying is that over the last 15 years or so that the caps were growing and now are going back to their original size.
Al Gore and his crew do not like to be questioned as they have been more and more lately about facts and get quite upset when facts are presented. i guess i would be upset too if i had made millions using scare tactics on the general public and now stand to be disproved.
one side note. Al has one of the most energy inefficient houses here in middle tennessee, using up to 10 times what other homes the same size use. this has been documented here through public records. also his jet flights all over the world put out more so called green house gas than 1000 normal people would put out in a year. this by a man calling for the end of the internal combustion engine in his mostly disproved book.
so not lets hear what all you have to say