View Poll Results: To be, or not to be?

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  • Be

    31 81.58%
  • Not to be

    7 18.42%
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  1. #1
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    Default To be, or not to be....

    That is the question.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    That is the question.
    to be..Name:  smiley_shaving.gif
Views: 158
Size:  22.6 KB...not to be..

  3. #3
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    I've gotta go with be.

    Or were you looking for:

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Last edited by Miner123; 12-16-2009 at 02:20 AM. Reason: to add stuff

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    doobie or not doobie, THAT is the question......

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to honedright For This Useful Post:

    xman (12-18-2009)

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    dizzy gillespie said to be or not to bop
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  7. #6
    Senior Member shooter1's Avatar
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    Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

    Kant said, "To be is to do."

    And Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do…"

    Hmmm... I think I'll go with Frank on this one.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to shooter1 For This Useful Post:

    xman (12-18-2009)

  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The guys at the bar used to say are you bein' or buyin' ?
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #8
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Ah, "Whether 'tis Nobler in the minde to suffer
    The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune,
    Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them:" A good question indeed.

    Well, "to dye, to sleepe
    No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end
    The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes
    That Flesh is heyre too? 'Tis a consummation
    Deuoutly to be wish'd." so, not to be is the answer.

    But, "To dye to sleepe,
    To sleepe, perchance to Dreame; I, there's the rub,
    For in that sleepe of death, what dreames may come,
    When we haue shufflel'd off this mortall coile,
    Must giue vs pawse. There's the respect
    That makes Calamity of so long life:" which suggest we should reconsider.

    Reconsider with something Shakespeare is so good at giving us, a shopping list!
    "For who would beare the Whips and Scornes of time,
    The Oppressors wrong, the poore mans Contumely,
    The pangs of dispriz'd Loue, the Lawes delay,
    The insolence of Office, and the Spurnes
    That patient merit of the vnworthy takes,
    When he himselfe might his Quietus make
    With a bare Bodkin?" That is a potent argument which calls for us not to be.

    Except, "Who would these Fardles beare
    To grunt and sweat vnder a weary life,
    But that the dread of something after death,
    The vndiscouered Countrey, from whose Borne
    No Traueller returnes, Puzels the will,
    And makes vs rather beare those illes we haue,
    Then flye to others that we know not of." Whether you believe or disbelieve still we cannot know.

    "Thus Conscience does make Cowards of vs all,
    And thus the Natiue hew of Resolution
    Is sicklied o're, with the pale cast of Thought,
    And enterprizes of great pith and moment,
    With this regard their Currants turne away,
    And loose the name of Action."

    So although the desire is not to be, it is hard to take that action willingly. The result is that we remain. We be.

    Thanks for asking.

    Last edited by xman; 12-18-2009 at 05:40 PM.

  11. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to xman For This Useful Post:

    AlanII (12-30-2009), nun2sharp (12-30-2009), Seraphim (12-18-2009)

  12. #9
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Given that Hamlet was talking about whether to commit suicide or not, I'm going to have to go with "to be"...!

  13. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    How about might be?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

    xman (12-19-2009)

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