View Poll Results: How much do you respect religion?

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  • There is nothing about organised religion worth respecting

    25 33.33%
  • My religion deserves respect, but others don't

    2 2.67%
  • Some religion deserves respect, but most doesn't

    7 9.33%
  • Most religion deserves respect, but some doesn't

    17 22.67%
  • I give all religion full respect

    24 32.00%
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  1. #21
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I was going to post more, but decided not to.

    I think TBS's post rings true, and as such, I think there is little value to discussing religion in a public, non-personal arena. I have to assume some sort of violence (not necessarily physical) will come of it, and I have no desire to have any part in that.

    I respect others' rights to do what they want, until that interferes with my right to the same.

  2. #22
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Humans are a violent species and religion has helped make that even more so.
    There can be little doubt of this in the light of the data from the Global Peace Index. The more fundamentally religious a nation is, the more violent they are. The highly secular nations enjoy peace more than all others.

    YouTube - Peace Is Non Theistic - Statistical Data

    I am sad to admit that the facts will again be dismissed by those who find it in conflict with their dogma.
    Last edited by xman; 01-04-2010 at 07:40 AM.

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  • #23
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    X I take issue with many of the assumptions they use to rank countries. I can't accept their rakingings as meaningful in any way. Even given that they only consider religion to have an effect to the level it drives governmental policy. In other words people beiong religios has nothing to do with the level of violence a country suffers but only the level to which organised religion interferes with the operation of the government and the freedom of the people to make their own choices.

  • #24
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    i do not understand not being able to teach ones students about the holocaust. it is a part of world history, albeit a very sad and dark side of anyones history lesson. nevertheless it needs to be taught so we as mankind do not let that kind of massacre and general wholesale murder take place again

    I don't see how the holocaust is related to blasphemy.
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  • #25
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    My view on your question is that no-one and nothing AUTOMATICALLY deserves respect.

    Respect has to be earned. Simple as that. And whether or not it's given is an entirely different matter.

    At the same time I think it's foolish to go out of your way to insult someone's religion. But there's no law against foolishness.

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  • #26
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Do as you would be done by. If you want people to respect you, you should respect them.

    Its a two way street.

    OTOH, one religious group should not be able to place demands on another group and force them to acquiesce to their demands. People should absolutely be taught about the holocaust and the crusades. If we forget these events there is a chance they could happen again.

    Any sort of law, like a blasphemy law, stifles free speech. An atheist would not be able to join a debate as this could be taken as blasphemous (denial of God) and would therefore be illegal. Sorry, but thats not on. You cant censor history and peoples opinions on the world just to avoid causing anyone any offence.

    I personally think alot of these sorts of laws are politcal correctness gone mad. Its politicians tripping over themselves to flash their PC credentials and show that they are more inclusive than the other guy.

    Frankly I think if they left us all alone we'd muddle along just fine. Its only the hardline extremists and crazy PC politicians who make things difficult for the other 99% of the world.

  • #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I believe you have misinterpreted this comment. They wrote:

    and you infer they mean:

    I think what the commentator claims is that some, not all Christians have misinterpreted this passage to justify antisemitism, not that this passage proves Christianity is the root of antisemitism. A subtle, but important distinction.
    You are correct.

    In related news:

    Isn't atheism itself anti-semitic?

    It's also anti-Christian, anti-muslim, etc etc....

  • #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    There can be little doubt of this in the light of the data from the Global Peace Index. The more fundamentally religious a nation is, the more violent they are. The highly secular nations enjoy peace more than all others.

    YouTube - Peace Is Non Theistic - Statistical Data

    I am sad to admit that the facts will again be dismissed by those who find it in conflict with their dogma.

    I have conducted my own survey, and have concluded that most nations that score low on the peace index are close to the equator, while the most peaceful are located more towards the polar regions.

    It is to be inferred that the hot weather associated with the equatorial regions makes people hot, bothered, and irratible. Whereas the polar regions are so damn cold, people would rather sit by the fire and drink themselves silly as opposed to do pretty much anything else.

    Average temperatures:
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    Last edited by Seraphim; 01-04-2010 at 07:38 PM.

  • #29
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    You are correct.

    In related news:

    Isn't atheism itself anti-semitic?

    It's also anti-Christian, anti-muslim, etc etc....
    Nah, because atheists are not outwardly opposed to the people of those religions. Just the religions themselves in their own lives.

    I've got tons of Jewish and Christian friends, and even a handful of Muslims and Hindus sprinkled in. I find that they're often more appreciative of my stance as compared to their religious "competitors". They figure, if I don't care/believe, then they're safe to do as they please. And this is precisely the case.

    EDIT: I've been to Jewish weddings and worn the "hats". I've been to Catholic weddings greeted the pastors and paid alms. It's out of respect to the bride and groom and their families. I think there's too much implication that atheists don't like religious people going on here.

    As for the original question of the thread, I chose the "no respect" option. This was not because I do not respect a believer in any religion. I took the question to be applied in a politically-driven context (due to the legal nature of the proposition in X's link), and as such, I believe that no respect by politics or governments should be paid to any religion, period. Let people do what they want, say what they way, believe what they want, on their own terms, and then have that be the end of it. As others have said, when you allow religion and politics/government to intermingle, shit gets ugly quick.

    As for the holocaust teaching example, I also do not see how that could be portrayed as blasphemy. That doesn't make sense to me.
    Last edited by Oglethorpe; 01-04-2010 at 07:16 PM.

  • #30
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post

    Isn't atheism itself anti-semitic?

    It's also anti-Christian, anti-muslim, etc etc....
    I do not think so. Not at least for me.
    I try not to judge people by their religious beliefs.
    It is not anti anything. Not believing in something doesn't mean that you are against those who do believe.
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