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  1. #21
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    So why is it so unthinkable to hang Obama in effigy anonymously, but completely fine to do the same to Bush in front of a camera?

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    This thread is not about hanging the President in effigy, this is about a very loaded symbol that is not dying.

    Let's talk about "Good ol' hangin". How about it? They sure got that nasty guy good, did't they? Of course, they didn't just hang him, oh no...They cut the man's genitals off and forced him to eat them. They tortured him, cutting and burning and dismembering him until he died, and then they mutilated his body and CELEBRATED. They had their children stab his bloody, burned body with sticks. They dragged his corpse behind a truck, and hung it for all to see, for all to get pictures taken and send to their friends. They burned down his family's shack. They cut off pieces of his body to take home as souvenirs. 7,000 men, women and children, brought together by the advertisements in the newspaper and on the radio.

    He was never convicted of the murder he was accused of.

    That is the history of lynching in the south.

    A Southerner hanging a black doll with the president's name is saying "This is our history, and this is what we think of you." You can't wash the past out of that action.

    Do I think anyone should hang Bush in effigy? No, but this is not about Bush, is it? This is about a legacy of hate that is not dead. It doesn't matter if the doll is of Obama, or any other Black man or woman. You want to change it, and make it about politics and take away the depth of evil that remains, but you can't.

    Please, yes, try to defend the lynching of unconvicted men. Try to turn this into a conversation about "liberals and their hypocrisy". But the truth is, it ain't about politics, it's about people who deny absolutely the humanity of others.

  3. #23
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    Give me a break. I would bet you are more concerned than the president is. Where was your outrage when our previous president was hung in effigy, burned in effigy, pictures were photo shopped with bullet holes in his head, or he was compared to Hitler? He is the president. That should be all that matters. Is this isolated current incident worse because our current president's father is from another country?

    Sure bad things happened in the South. Your example was almost 100 years ago. That is right around when cars where invented wasn't it? Look what happened in our lifetime in Yugoslavia, the Sudan, even Iraq. You try to use the actions of what could be one ignorant individual to condemn our country, and the South. Those actions where nothing compared to the hate our previous president had to endure. Yet somehow this proves to you how evil our country is. I just don't understand.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weeeeee View Post
    Give me a break. I would bet you are more concerned than the president is. Where was your outrage when our previous president was hung in effigy, burned in effigy, pictures were photo shopped with bullet holes in his head, or he was compared to Hitler? He is the president. That should be all that matters. Is this isolated current incident worse because our current president's father is from another country?

    Sure bad things happened in the South. Your example was almost 100 years ago. That is right around when cars where invented wasn't it? Look what happened in our lifetime in Yugoslavia, the Sudan, even Iraq. You try to use the actions of what could be one ignorant individual to condemn our country, and the South. Those actions where nothing compared to the hate our previous president had to endure. Yet somehow this proves to you how evil our country is. I just don't understand.

    It is clear, indeed, that you do no understand.

  5. #25
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Looks like Weeeeee beat me to the punch
    I am not that upset sinceI see this mainly as a political act and not a racist act.

    As for if lynching was better: just recently a black american was released after 35 years in prison for child molestation, when DNA analysis finally proved he had nothing to do with the crime. He is not an exception btw. He was being guilty of being black and a convenient suspect.

    Good thing they didn't lynch him huh?
    Or perhaps you think the horrible torture and murder of a couple of innocents along with the guilty ones is a small price to pay for the sweet satisfaction or righteous vengeance, as long as it's not you or yours who are treated this way?

    And since lynch mobs aren't exactly the most rational in their behavior, there'd be more than a few who would only be guilty of 'looking the wrong sort' but hey, as long as it's not you and you feel better, who cares eh?
    Last edited by Bruno; 01-05-2010 at 09:36 AM.
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post

    Good thing they didn't lynch him huh?
    Or perhaps you think the horrible torture and murder of a couple of innocents along with the guilty ones is a small price to pay for the sweet satisfaction or righteous vengeance, as long as it's not you or yours who are treated this way?

    And since lynch mobs aren't exactly the most rational in their behavior, there'd be more than a few who would only be guilty of 'looking the wrong sort' but hey, as long as it's not you and you feel better, who cares eh?
    How do you read so much into what I said? I neither said nor thought those things. If you are referring to my first post you may note that I typed it in a manner that an uneducated and thoughtless hick might say it to illustrate the idiocy of some.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weeeeee View Post
    So why is it so unthinkable to hang Obama in effigy anonymously, but completely fine to do the same to Bush in front of a camera?
    I think you missed the point here. To me it looks like big stupidity to make such acts of hate. Doesn't matter who is the victim.
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  8. #28
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    How do you read so much into what I said? I neither said nor thought those things. If you are referring to my first post you may note that I typed it in a manner that an uneducated and thoughtless hick might say it to illustrate the idiocy of some.
    Sorry Mark, I combined 2 answers, and because I quoted you it looked as if that was targeted at you. It wasnt. Only my first paragraph was. My apologies.

    The rest was @Weee
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    I think you missed the point here. To me it looks like big stupidity to make such acts of hate. Doesn't matter who is the victim.
    You got it Sailor.

    @Weeee... Bush/Obama effigies aside, it looks like we know that the lynching mindset is still evident in some people.

    It personally scares the ****ing hell out of me.

  10. #30
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    Default In the Words of.............

    In the words of the character "Ollie" in the Steven King movie "The Mist"

    "We as a species are fundamentally insane"

    'nough said.

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