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  1. #71
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    when does plain old common sense come into play?
    Much later.

  2. #72
    Senior Member matt321's Avatar
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    There is evidence of one or more mass extension events in the geologic past, so common sense would suggest it will happen again. It could be a partial thing that just sets us back to the stone age, or it could be a total wipe out.

    Devout Christians assume God is watching over us. Nothing will happen that isn't according to His plan. When the end comes it will be according to Revelations.

    On the other hand, atheists believe that we are on our own. It's just a great big crap shoot. There is no big guy taking care of us!

    Either way, we already know that the Earth and the Sun won't last forever. I really doubt our society will last any where near that long. If we rate as an intellectual and scientific people, then we expand into the Galaxy asap. Otherwise we remain here and continue our superstitious ways, at the mercy of fate.

    It's interesting to ponder. Saving our way of life might mean merely beaming all the genetic code sequences of the planet's plants and animals and all the historical and scientific knowledge out into space where it could be intercepted and preserved for reconstitution or whatever.
    Last edited by matt321; 01-16-2010 at 01:07 AM.

  3. #73
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    Great question. I think some people have had some good answers. I think it is the responsibility of the human race to realize the situation and the urgency of the problem and come up with some good valid answers. Education, Education and more education is needed, expecially beginning at an early age, and with a broad scope through out academics. I also think we need to tap into new resources for a sustainable future even if it means dealing with some sacrifices.

  4. #74
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    =xman;526636]No offense intended at all, but men and women of science are in a much better position to offer opinions.
    Not always, and generalizations are usually wrong, imho. Scientists are just human like the rest of us and are capable of being wrong. No single person on earth today is perfect, scientist or layman. Once science got linked to politics they lost their un-biased ways. There is no way a scientist who's funding relies on government can be un-biased. No one ever bites the hand that feeds them. Most experiments can be interperted in differing ways, I wonder which one they would choose, the one that shows the governmental policy is wrong so they lose their funding or the one that shows the governmental policy is right so they keep their funding.

    You may have heard of a NASA study that showed that 1998 was the warmest year on record, that was until a non scientist looked into it and found that, IIRC, 1932 was the warmest, causing NASA to recind their study.

    You also may of heard that in the 1970's, science said we were going into the next ice age if we didnt do anything, then everything started to get warmer. Then in the 90's they started to try and say we were getting too warm, interestingly enough they love to quote the temps from the 70's. Could it be that those cold years showed the highest contrast? It seems science is finally getting sick of being shown to be wrong, instead of staking their claims on something concrete like warming or cooling they just say climate change, so that no matter what happens it proves their point.

    And that brings us to the hockey stick that was made famous by AL Gore(a huge CO2 emitter) was shown to be based on faulty science by the discovery of the emails recently(they have been touched on earlier in this thread) that show science trying to get their way even though the data was not agreeing with them.

    By the way I am far more worried about the earth cooling down than I am about it warming. Humans can adapt to warmer far better and cheaper then colder. Warmer and plants grow better and there is a german study out their that shows that the higher the CO2 level the more plants grow, it would also lead to less energy use. Whereas colder and we would have to grow everything indoors, leading to high costs and higher energy needs.

    I think the modern human is very arrogant, feeling pretty big in his britches, if we actually belive we can control the climate, we are but a speck on this planet. I saw a study that said that as of now if you took the worlds poulation and gave them all 2 square feet to stand, they wouldnt even fill up texas.

    This whole argument reminds me of a quote from ben franklin, 'Those that have nothing to trouble them will be troubled at nothing.' As easy as life is nowadays we are constantly inventing problems.

    On a side note I would like to look at one of some of the solutions government has come up with. I have a 99 dodge truck that I have souped up a bit. When I got it and it was stock I could get about 18 miles to the gallon. After I upgraded my power(went from aroung 220 t 350hp) I get 20-24 depending on where I am. The new "clean" Dodge Cummins gets around 15 mpg stock, so even though I upped my HP my mileage went up and once the enviromental policies went into effect the mileage went down. So if these 2 trucks took off and drove 1500 miles, I would of burnt 75 gallons, the "clean" truck 100 gallons. I wonder if the new trucks are so much cleaner that they can afford to burn 25 more gallons of fuel and still put out less polution? My thought is gallon/ gallon the newer dodge is cleaner but am not so sure over the long haul, the 25 gallons difference would release lots of CO2.

  5. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jasongreat For This Useful Post:

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  6. #75
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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  • #76
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    Wow. I've just discovered this thread and read all the previous posts. Where to begin? Perhaps at the beginning. The video of Stephen Hawking has been ridiculed, saying he's brain damaged or on crack. Are you serious? Do you have any idea who you're talking about? When given the alternative of trusting the credibility of one of the most brilliant minds on earth or those who's only argument is to ridicule his opinions, it would seem to be prudent to believe the expert. Common sense has been used as a defense for some of the statements made. Where is the sense in ignoring the warnings of someone in a position to know what he's talking about? If anyone here has a greater knowledge of the universe than Dr. Hawking, please post your credentials. I for one, would love to see them.

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  • #77
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    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

    YouTube - Meteor Impact Simulation

  • #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by leadduck View Post
    Wow. I've just discovered this thread and read all the previous posts. Where to begin? Perhaps at the beginning. The video of Stephen Hawking has been ridiculed, saying he's brain damaged or on crack. Are you serious? Do you have any idea who you're talking about? When given the alternative of trusting the credibility of one of the most brilliant minds on earth or those who's only argument is to ridicule his opinions, it would seem to be prudent to believe the expert. Common sense has been used as a defense for some of the statements made. Where is the sense in ignoring the warnings of someone in a position to know what he's talking about? If anyone here has a greater knowledge of the universe than Dr. Hawking, please post your credentials. I for one, would love to see them.
    I just wandered over this and had to join in

    I hate to nitpick, but Dr Hawking is an expert in math, physics and cosmology, he has no more claim as knowledgeable in the worlds political situation or knowledge of a countries actual nuclear readiness than anyone else in these forums or beyond who are not actually attached to the situation, and the fact that his professional basis is on physics math and cosmology to my mind also calls into question a number of his views on global warming and the possibility of release of biological contaminants, as he is neither a geologist, geophysicist or biological or genetic engineer or actively working in any of these fields.

    And this brings me to my issue...... We will never know the real story about nuclear readiness, global warming, overfishing or the decline in farming in certain areas, or the effect of uneven distribution of resources or the real possibility of release of a disease from some lab, we will never know for a few very good reasons


    There is so much political backhanding that you only ever get a small part of the real information, and even then only after it's been analysed and drafted or formatted by another person, who is likely to be pushing more in the direction of their view, so that information is invariably skewed.


    There are so many "experts" who really are no more qualified than any of us to making these claims, they just happen to support a special interest group, that the actual data gets confused and mushed by someone speaking on a field in which he or she has no real knowledge or education.


    There are so many celebrities bidding behind one argument or another that it stopped really being a search for truth a long time ago. It appears that every Tom Dick or Geremy has the right to their opinion on a given subject regardless of whether or not they know anything about it.

    Take for instance this very simplistic example of how in the big things we let those unqualified taint our brain. I by trade am a programmer, specifically trained in the development of AI and pattern recognition, however I know nothing about your cardiovascular system that I didn't learn in high school biology, although I am sure a heart surgeon would (I hope).

    If you wanted heart surgery you'd probably ask the surgeon before letting me hack away at it. If you wanted to build some monitoring software to babysit a plane or a nuclear reactor, chances are given the choice of me or the surgeon you'd plump for me because I'm a code monkey. Yet regardless of the fact that some certain people have never studied geology or biology or whathasya and have no real grounding in the field we are happy to listen to them mongering fear and lap it up to a great degree..... All a bit odd.

    I don't have the answers to global warming or over fishing or any of that stuff, but to be honest the way the data is manipulated, can anyone really claim that they do????????

    Oh and as for my opinion on the next hundred years. We'll make it through, in a good or bad state is anyones guess but we'll do what every other generation has, whatever we have to to get by.

    Last edited by TheGeek; 09-10-2010 at 09:28 PM. Reason: Spelling mistook :D

  • #79
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    I have to say, sometimes these threads are better than TV

  • #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSasser View Post
    I have to say, sometimes these threads are better than TV
    That's why I don't own a TV I get my entertainments from tinterwebiez


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