View Poll Results: Obama's Job Performance

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  • US Citizen: A

    3 7.32%
  • US Citizen: B

    4 9.76%
  • US Citizen: C

    7 17.07%
  • US Citizen: D

    10 24.39%
  • US Citizen: F

    12 29.27%
  • Non-US Citizen: A

    2 4.88%
  • Non-US Citizen: B

    2 4.88%
  • Non-US Citizen: C

    0 0%
  • Non-US Citizen: D

    0 0%
  • Non-US Citizen: F

    1 2.44%
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  1. #11
    Senior Member Navaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    health care reform=F, bailouts=F, outlandish spending=F, the thought of closing gitmo=F, creating and saving jobs=F, transparency in his administration=F, knowing the concept of "commander in chief"=F, dealing with terrorists=F, calling the war on terror a "man caused disaster"=F, marxist opinions=F, socialist programs=F.....surrounding himself with idiots=A+

    To be honest we have to give him an A+ on the use of teleprompters

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  3. #12
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I went with a B. While I didn't agree with the bailouts, the numbers now are supporting that it might have been the best choice. Job loss percentages have steadily declined and the DJI (Dow) has steadily increased. I hate the Fed but they did just report a $52B profit, of which $46B was paid to the Treasury.

    I'm shocked that we're on the verge of health care reform. I think that those accomplishments in themselves are above average for a year's term. I would have liked to have seen Gitmo closed and troops withdrawn from the Middle East, but I'm content with what has happened thus far and I'm optimistic about the next few years.
    I'm pretty much right with you. As much as the right HATES this guy, and the nearly party-line 100% opposition he has faced, I believe in his policies, I agree with many of his social and political views, and I think that with a little less intentional misinformation and fearmongering, he might even be able to keep some of his promises.

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    commiecat (01-15-2010)

  5. #13
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    Please explain why you gave the grade you did, and what facts/ observable actions he undertook which lead you to your conclusion.
    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    health care reform=F, bailouts=F, outlandish spending=F, the thought of closing gitmo=F, creating and saving jobs=F, transparency in his administration=F, knowing the concept of "commander in chief"=F, dealing with terrorists=F, calling the war on terror a "man caused disaster"=F, marxist opinions=F, socialist programs=F.....surrounding himself with idiots=A+

    I would have bet my house that people would have used this thread as an Obama bashing forum. Way to follow directions!

    P.S. I'm not an Obama guy.

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    ControlFreak1 (01-15-2010)

  7. #14
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    This is a legitimate question. I am really hoping this thread can remain answering the question and not an attack on each other as previous versions of polls like this result in.

    Nobody is going to change anybody's mind and unless you want to show what an ass you are, state your opinion and leave it at that.

    Having said that, I gotta go with the D's and F's on most of his policies, but what really frightens me is how poor his judgement is on picking the people he is surrounding himself with. He has been an astoundingly poor judge of character.

    Also, giving US Citizen constitutional rights to enemy combatants and terrorists being given access to US courts has just burned my shorts. This is fully insulting to every soldier that ever laid his life down to keep this country's Constitution safe. And take that all the way back to Valley Fordge.

  8. #15
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    Well, I'm not an American, I don't have many American friends, have never been to America, and to top it all off I don't know anything about Obama - but I'll give him an A+ because before he was elected the majority of non-Americans I know (which is a lot) and myself had nothing but contempt for America but now we are indifferent/slightly intrigued to/by it and its people. I realise that that may seem hostile but it's not meant to be. The image that's been portrayed over the last few years has been in direct opposition to nearly all the beliefs I hold dear. Things like lack of control/self control, over spending, over heating, over cooking, me first, me best, etc. really grate on the nerves after a while. And it's a shame. America built a strong and good reputation for itself up to and during the world wars but seemed to live on its merits after that - and that is not good enough. This is the point where I should really write an essay to defend my point of view but, alas, that will have to wait until the Guinness wears off.
    I hope this post hasn't caused offense as it wasn't meant to - I just wanted to say that while he may not be doing the best job in the eyes of American citizens he's sure doing a damn fine job in the eyes of most of the rest of the world, IMHO.
    Right, I'll go back to the strop now.
    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

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  10. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankenstein View Post
    And it's a shame. America built a strong and good reputation for itself up to and during the world wars but seemed to live on its merits after that - and that is not good enough.
    Your post brought to mind the movie "The Ugly American." (here) In 1958 or so I saw the title in the newspaper and asked my mother what was meant by it. She tried to explain to me how sometimes our pursuing our 'national interest' caused resentment among other countries and cultures. Fair enough.

    OTOH, as the USA response to the current disaster in Haiti demonstrates the generosity of the USA in $ and in individuals reaching out is still tremendous and always has been throughout the postwar years.

    If the world was a Utopian society and all of the inhabitants could be depended on to play fairly and to 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' all countries could have policies that complimented each other. Unfortunately the world is not like that, never has been, and never will be. We have to look out for ourselves as history demonstrates.

    So sometimes our policies are selfish and stupid. Vietnam and Iraq are glaring examples. OTOH, our intervention in genocide in Bosnia and our protecting much of the world from the dictators who would have conquered much of Western Europe had they been given free reign are high points.

    I too have had antagonism for other nations. Being the age I am I disliked Germans and Japanese due to the outrages of WWII. The eight years of the GWB administration made me realize that all of the people who inhabit a nation cannot be held responsible for the policies of their government. Live and learn.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  11. #17
    Senior Member jimmyfingers's Avatar
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    I would give him a D. He has borrowed too much money from China. A major problem in America right now is the value of the dollar. It isn't worth jack and keeps on deflating. Obama acts like he is in Hollywood instead of Chief and Commander

  12. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyfingers View Post
    I would give him a D. He has borrowed too much money from China. A major problem in America right now is the value of the dollar. It isn't worth jack and keeps on deflating. Obama acts like he is in Hollywood instead of Chief and Commander
    Just curious ... did we owe China money before he got in there ? Was the dollar worth much more before he began his term ? Which president was in office when the financial crisis began and which one began the Wall St. bail out ? How soon we forget.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  13. #19
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Just curious ... did we owe China money before he got in there ? Was the dollar worth much more before he began his term ? Which president was in office when the financial crisis began and which one began the Wall St. bail out ? How soon we forget.
    True he may not have CAUSED the problems, but he sure hasn't done anything to fix them either.

    Republicans, Democrats...they're basically the same thing now. Nothing's gonna get done by either side cause they're too busy fighting each other because they're on the "other team" so-to speak.

    Take away their big comfy offices, extravagant salaries, and limit the number of terms they can serve in Congress and MAKE them do work. They are not in charge of us, they are our public SERVANTS. Add to that people not wanting to work for a living, and wanting something for nothing, and the nation isn't going anywhere but down.

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  15. #20
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    True he may not have CAUSED the problems, but he sure hasn't done anything to fix them either.
    If nothing has changed after his first four years then I will reflect back and rethink my position as a voter. I still feel that we are heading in the right direction and if anybody truly believed that our financial situation would be fixed in a matter of months then I'd question their knowledge of both our economy and governmental structure.

    I'm certain that our debt and the value of the dollar would be very similar at this point regardless of who our president was.

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