We here at the Centre for Frog Testicle Research can assure concerned members of the public that, after extensive study, we have found no significant difference between the dangle coefficient of crazy and non-crazy frogs.
In some ways videos such as these are misleading to the lay-person, who may form the impression that crazy frog testicles perhaps dangle at a more jaunty angle than those of the non-crazy variety. In fact, nothing can be further from the truth. These crazy frog clips are doing untold damage to public perceptions of frog testicles all over the world, and we here at CFTR have recently procured funding from the Fairytale Princess Society of Bohemia to run a series of debunking advertisements on just this issue.
CFTR - Building a better tomorrow through frog testicle awareness.
YOU WOULD LIKE TO THINK THAT! Your envy is showing. Intervention for Jimbo.