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  1. #11
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    Every time Pres. Obama or one of his minions starts talking about the economy (e.g. jobs, banks, Wall Street), the stock market takes a dive? I would like to retire someday, which among other things would open up my position for someone else, but if this keeps up I will be working until I keel over and die.
    You should have keept your money in government bonds instead of bear stearns stock. The governments tend to fail after, not before most businesses.
    Expecting somebody else to make money for you also means that you are dependent on them.
    Last edited by gugi; 01-23-2010 at 05:21 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member CableDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    Every time Pres. Obama or one of his minions starts talking about the economy (e.g. jobs, banks, Wall Street), the stock market takes a dive? I would like to retire someday, which among other things would open up my position for someone else, but if this keeps up I will be working until I keel over and die.
    Because he's constantly talking about stifling business in general......more regulation for this, more for that.......more government here, more there.......spreading wealth around........instead of changing what really should be changed (and that is subject to opinion for obvious reasons) and what he campaigned on. Evil corporations this and government is always good that is a tired message and it seems like that is his only mantra. He'll get his way because those that voted for him will love him no matter what he does or says. He has a media that fawns all over him no matter how stupid or intelligent he sounds when he speaks. I'm wondering if he thinks that we can all work for the government at ridiculously high salaries. More government regulation and taxation will send more business overseas where there will be much less regulation and fiscal penalties. He and others like him will never understand the economic consequences of their actions (that includes Bush, I don't care for leftist RINOs either). They don't have to care because statistically politicians have a greater than 90% chance of getting re-elected. He's still focused on ramming health care down our throats.....and he still just might get it because it's not over yet by a long shot.

    Promising hope and change and delivering more socialism is not the way to win the hearts and minds of middle America.........forget about Wall Street.

    I, too will have to work until I keel over and die. Not looking forward to it, either. My hopes of hunting, fishing, shooting guns, visiting brothels and gardening in retirement wither away daily.

  3. #13
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CableDawg View Post
    I, too will have to work until I keel over and die. Not looking forward to it, either. My hopes of hunting, fishing, shooting guns, visiting brothels and gardening in retirement wither away daily.
    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    I would like to retire someday, which among other things would open up my position for someone else, but if this keeps up I will be working until I keel over and die.
    Sorry folks: Even if you were lucky enough to save sufficient scratch for a nice retirement you'd still have to work for health insurance.

  4. #14
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Another factor is that the markets are paper thin at the moment, and are only just starting to recover from the recession. The dealers are looking for signs in the market for what is going to be happening over the next few months to years, and comments like those do tend to encourage people to bail out..! It gives a signal for increased regulation and control, something the markets have always been skittish about.

    You can see it in the money markets as well. Someone at the BoE makes a comment like "if inflation stays high we may have put rates up" (not really a sign of anything, just a quote from the basic book of monetary policy) and suddenly the markets are all over the place, selling off and rallying with no real pattern at all.

    Its jumpy dealers who've had two years of crappy markets looking for signs from above about the future. If theres even a whiff of the future being bad, down go all the indices.

  5. #15
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    well, that is true, the stock markets have very little to do with the present, it's mostly about the future. and a lot of people, are pretty bad at understanding the present, and even worse at predicting the future. including the trading crowds.
    those who are smart know what 'obama or any of his minions' will say well before he actually does and are converting this into money when the crowd acts on the public announcements.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    You should have keept your money in government bonds instead of bear stearns stock. The governments tend to fail after, not before most businesses.
    Expecting somebody else to make money for you also means that you are dependent on them.
    I would say this is completely non-responsive as to the original question and also assumes facts that are not only not in evidence but are actually completely false.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BingoBango View Post
    Sorry folks: Even if you were lucky enough to save sufficient scratch for a nice retirement you'd still have to work for health insurance.
    Not really true as long as you have budgeted for health insurance as a part of your retirement savings. I am actually a bit better off than some since I can keep my current employer provided insurance once I retire.

  8. #18
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Business is all about making money and they fear he will curtail that ability.
    Honest business is about making money.
    The stock market is about gambling with other folks hard earned money. Like any house of cards it appears that it can collapse quite quickly.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    Honest business is about making money.
    The stock market is about gambling with other folks hard earned money. Like any house of cards it appears that it can collapse quite quickly.
    How exactly is the stock market gambling with other folks hard earned money? The last time I looked, the only money I had in the stock market was money I earned by my own hard work.

  10. #20
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fccexpert View Post
    I would say this is completely non-responsive as to the original question and also assumes facts that are not only not in evidence but are actually completely false.
    Huh? You implied that your retirement is contingent on the stock market's response to the government's public announcements.
    How should I put it, if you are paid in stock instead of legal tender, you have a serious problem. If you are willingly converting your money into stocks assuming that risk is your own fault and as I pointed out it doesn't take government action for your stock to loose all of its value, government inaction is just as good if not better at it.
    I just don't understand the whine when the stock market has been propped to its current level largely by the big government bailouts. Short memory?

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