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  1. #11
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Yet again, the OP tries to spin something benign into something controversial. Matthews' comment was simply an acknowledgment that, at least on occasion, we as a country have been able to move past the idea that Obama is a "black President" and, again on occasion, view him simply as a "President".
    Too bad some folks can't see past their own "fill in the blank" and turn this into a negative.
    Nice going, OP...

  2. #12
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    John Stewart nailed it when he said that Chris Matthews was "one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy."

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    John Stewart nailed it when he said that Chris Matthews was "one scotch away from being Ron Burgundy."
    That is awesome. Although I disagree with you on most things, I love Jon Stewart!

  4. #14
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    When you take things out of context and then hold it up to ridicule you can manipulate things any way you want.

    For those who use this as just another way to bash those with differing views go back and read the whole thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    Yet again, the OP tries to spin something benign into something controversial. Matthews' comment was simply an acknowledgment that, at least on occasion, we as a country have been able to move past the idea that Obama is a "black President" and, again on occasion, view him simply as a "President".
    Too bad some folks can't see past their own "fill in the blank" and turn this into a negative.
    Nice going, OP...
    Wow! I am a bit shocked as I thought just about everyone would see this similarly but maybe you guys just can't see past your biases. It is a shocking thing to say under any context as it exposes the depth of his own prejudices, and he does so in such a natural and casual fashion. "I forgot he was black for an hour." As if being black was a negative thing. Hell, I forget he is black all the time...except when someone points it out.
    I would be just as bothered and likely more so if Cheney, or Palin or even Rumsfeld said something like that.

    By the way Billy, you sure know how to put a spin on what he said. I listened to what he said and if he was trying to say that, he did a poor job, and, if thats what he was saying, then instead of insulting every black man in America he insulted all of America.
    Last edited by JMS; 01-30-2010 at 06:39 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Wow! I am a bit shocked as I thought just about everyone would see this similarly but maybe you guys just can't see past your biases. It is a shocking thing to say under any context as it exposes the depth of his own prejudices, and he does so in such a natural and casual fashion. "I forgot he was black for an hour." As if being black was a negative thing. Hell, I forget he is black all the time...except when someone points it out.
    I would be just as bothered and likely more so if Cheney, or Palin or even Rumsfeld said something like that.

    By the way Billy, you sure know how to put a spin on what he said. I listened to what he said and if he was trying to say that, he did a poor job, and, if thats what he was saying, then instead of insulting every black man in America he insulted all of America.

    Mark: again I think you're missing the point. No one (except you) said Matthew's remarks inferred he was saying being a black man was a negative. He was commenting upon the notion of our society becoming "post racial", meaning the color of the person's skin is totally irrelevant to the underlying issue. Perhaps you don't share in this view, but to many people the issue of race continues to permeate throughout our society. The lofty goal of attaining a truly color-blind society, an aspiration eloquently stated by Dr. King many years ago, continues to be a work in progress. But Chris Matthews' obviously subjective statement about Obama's speech being evidence of this country moving closer to a "post racial" society is hardly a racist statement, as you are trying to spin it .

  6. #16
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    i think i agree with Mark. the statement should not have been used in "any" context. maybe we should forget that he is a reporter.
    I can almost guarantee that if this was said on FOX news, everyone would be all over the reporter

  7. #17
    Troublus Maximus
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    He proves once more that he definitely is an ass.

    But at least he's part of a man.

  8. #18
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    Its hard to believe that anyone would try and defend that statement. I would bet that if someone like Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh said the exact same words, there would be outrage, protests, and boycotts. Where is the outrage when someone from the left says something so blatantly racist, and stupid?

  9. #19
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    It is as simple as this if the "left" and or "progressives" are as open minded and free thinking as they would like us to believe the statement would not have even come to their minds. Proof positive that they are as shallow, hipocritical and biased as they accuse their oponents.

    Plain and simple the hipocrasy was evident in their treatment of Sarah Palin. The degraded them selves to picking on things as ridiculous as her apperance. I thought they were the party that supported womens rights and equal treatment.

    Lets be honest with ourselves DC is so screwed up and run by a bunch of dishonest a-holes now worse than ever.

    It does not amount to Left vs. Right or Liberal vs. Conservatives anymore. They have lost site of the fact that we are the bosses and they are the employees. I sincerely hope that every seat changes and the morons in DC figure out that the game/gravy train is over and done with.

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  11. #20
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    ehh. These guys aren't worth the discussions we have about them. When a so called journalist puts his opinion out there, they deserve to be taken with a grain of salt. People like Mathews, Beck, Stewart, and even Bill Mahr. They are entertainers whos words shouldn't be taken so seriously. News on TV sucks anyway!

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