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Thread: Martini Time!

  1. #21
    Rob is offline
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    I prefer my crown and redbull.

  2. #22
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    When I was in Gent, I had a friend of mine showing me around and he brought me to a jenever bar. We sampled a few of their flavors, and I found them to be far superior to any gin I'd ever had. A martini made with that would be great. Unfortunately, the very best gin (Saphire, Tanquery "10") are expensive, and just palatable to me. Not worth the price.

    I agree that a vodka martini is not a true martini, that's why it's called a "Vodka" martini .

    As far as Shaking goes, that's OK for some drinks (like a gimlet (also better with vodka, by the way)), but not for a martini, not for me, at least. But if you like it that way, more power to you, cheers and bottoms up. Best to keep your vodka and gin in the freezer, and your vermouth in the fridge. That way you don't need ice to get the drink cold.

    I prefer jalapeno stuffed olives, but I'll settle for pimento stuffed if that's all you got. I've had anchovy stuffed olives, those were great. Onions are good, and those Mexican pickled carrots make for an interesting drink, too.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Kelly's Avatar
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    If your a fan of jenever, try to find some Junipero. It's a strong drink both in flavor and alcohol (96Proof/49%).. but it's a delight for Gin lovers.

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