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  1. #1
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Default Sometimes I just want to cry...

    Check this article in todays Telegraph:

    Government health crackdown on British fish and chips - Telegraph

    Why does the government have to meddle in everything? Why do they feel the need to control every little bit of our lives? And why are they so stupid?

    People who eat fish and chips five times a week are not going to be discouraged by slightly thicker chips, nor are thicker chips going to make any difference to their health. Whats affecting their health is that fact that they're scarfing fish and chips five days a week, and thicker chips wont make any difference. They're treating the symptom (badly), not the problem.

    I dont know why this has bugged me so much, but its probably because its terminally stupid on so many levels.

    Firstly, what a waste of money, paying a load of people to sit around talking about making thicker chips. Surely, given the crushing public debt and other uses for the money (NHS, schools, Police etc...), there are better things to spend the money and time on?

    Secondly, its a stupid solution to the problem. You can imagine the conversation:

    "Say, Bill, what are we going to do about the rising levels of obesity in the UK?"

    "Hmm... Thats a tricky one Trevor. I know, what about thicker chips?"

    Sometimes I just feel like crying. And they're spending MY (and your) tax money on this nonsense!!

    And thirdly, its yet another example of the government meddling in peoples lives. If I want to eat fish and chips, I will do so, but then I will go to the gym the next day for a workout. So why do I have to have my life meddled with to cater for the small minority of people who are clearly too dense to know that scoffing fish and chips on a regular basis makes you fat and unhealthy?

    Oh, and lets not forget the fact that fish and chip meals are a TINY proportion of the cause of obesity. Should McDonalds have to make thicker chips? What about Chinese takeaway? No chips there, so what do they have to do? And what about getting people to take more exercise? Anyone in this quango think that might help? Nope. Its all about the fish and chips.

    And breath.

    So, comments anyone?

  2. #2
    Big and called Ian. BigIan's Avatar
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    "Would subsidised gyms not be a better answer Bill?"

    "No Trevor no one would go, and we`ve just torn down all the council owned sports facilitys to make way for affordable housing that no one can afford."

    i`ll admit i don`t lead the best lifestyle. I smoke, I`m a full time student, I work part time and have a very poorly fieance to look after.

    some nights after starting college at 8 am and finishing work at 10 pm i really can`t be bothered cooking, so the take away menu comes out.

    This is not the way i want to live my life but it is the way it is, i deliberatly park 2 miles away from college so i can get a bit of exercise in each day, and get to the gym when house work/exams/course work/wedding planning allow.

    Do i want the goverment to medding in the food i`m served? NO!

    Would allowing me to claim £30`s a week ALG like the EMA teeny boppers who have never worked in there whole life get to blow on lambrini and fake tan, make a diffrence to my health? YES i could work less shifts i could afford some dry cleaning so i don`t have to spend 2 or three hours a week ironing.

    But because our goverment targets the lowest common denominator, instead of the hard working people who put into the system. I have a hard life...

  3. #3
    26. Hatter Engaging in Rhetoric Mijbil's Avatar
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    I learned the phrase "nanny state" from a British friend.

    Consolation: at least the people doing this are the "Food Standards Agency," whose business is, I suppose, stuff like this. At least its not 10 Downing working out these genius ideas.

  4. #4
    Big and called Ian. BigIan's Avatar
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    The food standars agency was originally set up to make sure food sold in the uk was fit for human consumption.

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