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Thread: Derren Brown

  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default Derren Brown

    The recent thread about advertising and whether you are influenced are not made me think of Derren Brown. Derren is a stage magician, and into NLP and mind control. I've seen him do many incredible things. Contrary to others, he admits that everything he does is in the mind, and about influencing the other person via mind control.

    Here are a couple of clips demonstrating his talents.
    The first one has him shopping in new york, paying with blank pieces of paper.
    The second clip has him getting a guy to hand over his watch, wallet and keys.
    The 3d clip has him performing a no touch knock out on a martial artist. That one is one of my favorites.

    Having seen these clips, are you still 100% convinced that you would never fall for someone who can turn your mind against you?

    YouTube - Derren Brown - "Paying with Paper"

    YouTube - How to take someones wallet, just by asking

    YouTube - Martial Arts Bullshido (No-Touch Knockouts) Part 3 of 8
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  • #2
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Having seen these clips, are you still 100% convinced that you would never fall for someone who can turn your mind against you?
    Certainly for the branch of Aikido I used to practice, the further one moved up the grades, especially Dan grades, the more the tests were designed to move your mind rather than your body. To literally 'throw without touching' was the aim of the best Aikido practitioner.
    Some are better at it than others.
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  • #3
    Shaveurai Deckard's Avatar
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    Default No such thing as hypnosis?

    Richard Bandler co founder of NLP says when he started studying hypnosis he had a strange response from the psychotheraputic comunity.
    "hypnosis is bad, and it dosn't exist". Kind of a strange combination don't you think?

  • #4
    Senior Member Galopede's Avatar
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    I have seen Derren Brown in action many times here in the UK. Sadly not this time however as the UK's Channel 4 who produced those clips won't let me watch them due to copyright!


  • #5
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    My uncle teaches those get rich in real estate training seminars and has been taught NLP. This is interesting stuff really, for the use in sales, you never know what you can get when applied properly. I used some of it the last time I bought a car...and got it for a great price. My intro statement went like this:

    "Now, I, like you, and you, like me, by now realize the value of purchasing this car at the best price now. So, if you, like me, what would be the price that you would offer for this car?"

    The statement is best read back if you make sure to add a second pause at the commas.

    Speaking of NLP, here's a commercial that is pretty blatant about many can YOU spot in the commercial?

    YouTube - Enzyte Christmas - Santa Bob
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  • #6
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    I love Derren Brown. I think the thing I like most about him is that he doesn't claim to be magic, like David Blain or Criss Angel (I think I got the names right) - he states every time that he's just using mind tricks. Some of the ones he does are amazing, like the one where he got everyone in a shopping mall to put their hands up when he said the word 'up' - one would think that it wouldn't work on everyone so well, yet it did. He's truly amazing, and it makes me wish I could do some of the stuff he does - it might help me get a better grade at University . . .

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