...But not a single video found. What am I talking about? Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger has offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who can offer up a video that shows that the tea party movement or anyone in the tea party has acted out in a racist way as they have been accused of through out the media by congressman, senators, and newsmen alike. Nothing yet has been substantiated, but that doesn't seem to stop the accusations.
I recently started a thread on the Hutaree:
and I now know what didn't smell right. There is a concerted effort by the current administration to paint the tea party movement as racist, radical, religious (Christian specifically),Dangerous and deranged. Rather clever if it works but based on polls I have seen, (many tend to lean left) the majority of Americans agree with the tea partiers and disagree with the administration. I do not believe that the tea party as a whole are any of the things that the Administration is trying to get us to believe, in fact I suspect the racist element in this movement would be less than 1% of the total members of the tea party movement. Too bad the DNC cant say the same about their own history.

By the way, there is a youtube video out there somewhere that shows Pelosi, Frank, and an African American member of congress walking through a crowd of tea partiers. If anyone is computer savvy maybe they can post that video?