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    JMS is offline
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    Default $100.000 offered...

    ...But not a single video found. What am I talking about? Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger has offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who can offer up a video that shows that the tea party movement or anyone in the tea party has acted out in a racist way as they have been accused of through out the media by congressman, senators, and newsmen alike. Nothing yet has been substantiated, but that doesn't seem to stop the accusations.
    I recently started a thread on the Hutaree:
    and I now know what didn't smell right. There is a concerted effort by the current administration to paint the tea party movement as racist, radical, religious (Christian specifically),Dangerous and deranged. Rather clever if it works but based on polls I have seen, (many tend to lean left) the majority of Americans agree with the tea partiers and disagree with the administration. I do not believe that the tea party as a whole are any of the things that the Administration is trying to get us to believe, in fact I suspect the racist element in this movement would be less than 1% of the total members of the tea party movement. Too bad the DNC cant say the same about their own history.

    By the way, there is a youtube video out there somewhere that shows Pelosi, Frank, and an African American member of congress walking through a crowd of tea partiers. If anyone is computer savvy maybe they can post that video?

  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    Here is an interesting story on the whole matter: - Black Tea Party Activists Called 'Traitors'

  3. #3
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I am sure there are racists among the tea baggers, but not necessarily a racist organization.

  4. #4
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    In the interest of accuracy, he's offering to donate it, not simply give it to the person who produces such a video. Also, it's regarding a video of a specific incident, not any such behavior:

    "Andrew Breitbart has offered $100,000 to be donated to the United Negro College Fund for anyone who can provide evidence that the “N” word was used toward members of the the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) at the “Kill the Bill” rally on March 20, 2010."

    (actually, the quote was from a different site, but the link does go to the original source)

  5. #5
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    I was AT the Ohio Tea Party -mostly for the hell of it, I have no political affiliation anymore, I just know which politician I like, and which I don't- And didn't see the group as racist... There were, however, racist MEMBERS. And they were the vast minority.

    One guy had brought his pet pig -I assume it was a pet... He brought a pig-... This pig had the word "Barrack" painted on the side (yes, I'm aware of the misspelling) and was in Black-Face paint (Face painted black, lips highlighted white, etc).

    That struck me as kind-a racist... But he wasn't actually insulting the race, just calling the man a pig... so, it could go either way.

    All about perspective

  6. #6
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    ...But not a single video found. What am I talking about? Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger has offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who can offer up a video that shows that the tea party movement or anyone in the tea party has acted out in a racist way as they have been accused of through out the media by congressman, senators, and newsmen alike. Nothing yet has been substantiated, but that doesn't seem to stop the accusations.
    I recently started a thread on the Hutaree:
    and I now know what didn't smell right. There is a concerted effort by the current administration to paint the tea party movement as racist, radical, religious (Christian specifically),Dangerous and deranged. Rather clever if it works but based on polls I have seen, (many tend to lean left) the majority of Americans agree with the tea partiers and disagree with the administration. I do not believe that the tea party as a whole are any of the things that the Administration is trying to get us to believe, in fact I suspect the racist element in this movement would be less than 1% of the total members of the tea party movement. Too bad the DNC cant say the same about their own history.

    By the way, there is a youtube video out there somewhere that shows Pelosi, Frank, and an African American member of congress walking through a crowd of tea partiers. If anyone is computer savvy maybe they can post that video?
    First of all, what exactly are you saying about Hutaree? You honestly think that our administration is sitting in meetings saying, "We could really use a boost -- let's blame some people in Michigan for attempting to kill law enforcement!"? What evidence do you have that they are innocent? The indictment explains that they were planning to kill a cop, and then kill more cops at the funeral procession. I find that pretty hard to defend or spin.

    Here's a Google image search for "dale robertson tea party". Dale Robertson is "the Founder of the modern day Tea Party and also President of":
    dale robertson tea party - Google Search

    He is holding a sign that reads "Congress = Slave Owner | Tax Payer = n*****." actually had the image on their site but had the sign manipulated so that it read "I work 4 U" instead.

    Do I get my $100,000 now or do images not qualify?

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  8. #7
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    What evidence do you have that they are innocent?
    I don't really care about most of the discussion, but I have a HUGE problem with this statement. It's pretty damn scary to me if the bulk of America is at this point... Evidence is used to prove guilt. No evidence is needed to prove innocence.

    Innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty, remember?

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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    Desdinova (04-07-2010), ENUF2 (04-08-2010), JMS (04-07-2010), mhailey (04-07-2010), Miner123 (04-07-2010)

  10. #8
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    I don't really care about most of the discussion, but I have a HUGE problem with this statement. It's pretty damn scary to me if the bulk of America is at this point... Evidence is used to prove guilt. No evidence is needed to prove innocence.

    Innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty, remember?
    I do remember and I am not a juror for this case. The indictment is all I have to go on. In this instance specifically, if I have to choose between believing law enforcement and the notion that this is a democrat conspiracy, I side with law enforcement. If there is reasonable doubt about their intent then I will question my original position.

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    I don't really care about most of the discussion, but I have a HUGE problem with this statement. It's pretty damn scary to me if the bulk of America is at this point... Evidence is used to prove guilt. No evidence is needed to prove innocence.

    Innocent UNTIL PROVEN guilty, remember?

    I agree.

    How do you prove someone said nothing?

    You can produce a 5 second video clip of a racist statement, or pour through hundreds if not thousands of hours of videotape to prove nothing was said at all.

  12. #10
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    what about the "save white america" guy?

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