Sunday night, in the chat session, part of the discussion had to do with my daughter getting married. Now, I have 4 daughters, and I love them all. I mentioned I knew a joke about a father meeting "suitors" of his daughters. Several requests were made to "hear" the joke. So, here it is:

A widowed gentleman had three daughters. They meant more to him than life, so obviously he was always concerned when a young man came calling, and was very protective.

One night, as he sat, reading the day's paper and enjoying his pipe, there came knock at the door. He looked through the peephole and say a young man. He grabbed his shotgun, opened the door, and pumped the shotgun.

"What do you want" the old man asked.

The young man replied. "Sir, My name is Joe, I'm here for Flo, we'd like to go the the show...can Flo go?"

Flo came down the stairs and off they went.

The old man returned to his paper and pipe, and another knock came at the door.

Again, viewing through the peephole, another young man. The old man grabbed the shotgun.

"What do you want?"

The young man replied, "Sir, My name is Eddie. I'm here for Betty. We'd like to go out for spaghetti. Is Betty ready?"

Betty came down the stairs, and off they went.

The old man returned to his pipe and paper, and a third knock came at the door.

A glance through the peephole revealed another young man. He grabbed the shotgun and opened the door.

"What do you want?"

The young man replied, "Sir, my name is Chuck..."


I can still smell the smoke from the barrel of that shotgun!