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  1. #1
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Talking A link between Toxoplasmosis and World Cup victory

    The question is very simple, really: Could Toxoplasma gondii help your country win the World Cup?

    Before we dismiss this idea, look at the observations/data here (and elsewhere...some I have linked here).

    Toxo can be found in almost every type of mammal, from rats to humans. The overall goal of the parasite is to end up in a feline stomach, which is the only place it can reproduce. In other mammals, humans for example, the parasite heads for the brain. It is estimated that nearly 1/3 of the human population has a latent Toxo infection, with individual countries having infection rates varying from 6% (Korea) to 92% (Ghana).

    Studies have also shown behavioral changes in humans, including slower reaction times and a sixfold increased risk of traffic accidents among infected males.

    OK, back to soccer:

    Countries with greater incidence of this parasitic infection in their populations tend to win more world cups than those without. The article, written by a Stanford University neuroscientist, goes on to try out various rationales for such a correlation, ranging from increased testosterone to increased dissent of authority — all symptoms of a Toxo infection.

    Now we just need to find a parasite that causes an inability to referee properly, and we'll have this whole World Cup business all sorted out."

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Based on these studies, I think we can conclude that Norway is absolutely free of that bug...
    We do not win diddley when it comes to football
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I might...

    be able...

    to understand this.

    It's my CATS that are making me stupid?

    I thought I was getting old.

  4. #4
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Maybe some whizzkid of a scientist would be able to prove that it's the countries with best football players that win the most World Cups. Especially if sufficient research funding was available.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  5. #5
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    Maybe some whizzkid of a scientist would be able to prove that it's the countries with best football players that win the most World Cups. Especially if sufficient research funding was available.

    You don't need science to prove that point . If you're good, you will stand a very good chance to win. This is merely to show that Toxo may help in that regard...the Toxo study kinda shows a proof, just trend.

  6. #6
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Countries with a greater incidence of Brazilian waxing styles also tend to win more world cups than those who don't.

    I reckon the whole England squad should get themselves to the beautician asap!

  7. #7
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    Countries with a greater incidence of Brazilian waxing styles also tend to win more world cups than those who don't.
    Germans only wax their moustaches.

    Countries that drive on the left have nearly 100% success rate.
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  8. #8
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    in the words of the great John Madden:
    "the easiest way to win the game everytime, is to score more points then the other team"

  9. #9
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chee16 View Post
    in the words of the great John Madden:
    "the easiest way to win the game everytime, is to score more points then the other team"
    True and logical!

    But then the team with the most Toxo may have the advantage and score more, therefore winning the game . So, we won't know if it was because of Toxo or not...Plot thickens, heh?

  10. #10
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post

    But then the team with the most Toxo may have the advantage and score more, therefore winning the game
    Probably the two most high profile Toxaplasmosis sufferers in the sporting arena are Sebastian Coe and Martina Navratilova. Certainly Seb Coe made a comeback after extensive treatment, but it signalled the beginning of the end for his running career.
    I think that in this case the scientist has gone public way too early with a fairly tenuous relationship between Toxaplasmosis and footballing success.
    Spurred no doubt by the need for 15 minutes of fame while the World Cup is still in the news.
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