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  1. #11
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I am not great at math, but I am good enough at it to not see the point in gambling.
    I like browsing Cabelas. The store is fantastic for wandering around. I usually make my purchases online from other retailers though.

    I know that wasn't the point of the OP, but it's my two cents...

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  2. #12
    Senior Member flyman's Avatar
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    I live in Connecticut and within easy driving distance to both the indian casinos and the Cabela's store in East Hartford. I don't have a problem in either one. The casinos both have a lot of attractions other than gambling (oops, that's a dirty word- they call it "gaming"). Anyway, I like the restaurants and shops. The first time I put down a twenty dollar chip on a roulette wheel and 2 seconds later the croupier swept it away, my gambling problem was cured. I'm a pretty quick study so I caught on to that right away- you put money down, they sweep it away. The Cabela's store is absolutely nebulous. I saw the comment that they only sell clothes anymore, but that's not my experience. I've never been to any of the other locations, but the store in CT is almost like a sportsman's amusement park. It's full of sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. It includes museum quality animal displays, enormous aquariums, in house restaurants, food samples, trophy animals such a mountain goats, bears, etc in recreations of their natural habitats, on and on. I know that sounds like a commercial for Cabela's but I could just spend all day in there. Any PETA types would not like it much, however.

  3. #13
    Member Cutthroat_trout's Avatar
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    If you venue into a Cabelas be sure to have an Elk sandwich ! Very tasty.

  4. #14
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyman View Post
    I live in Connecticut and within easy driving distance to both the indian casinos and the Cabela's store in East Hartford. I don't have a problem in either one. The casinos both have a lot of attractions other than gambling (oops, that's a dirty word- they call it "gaming"). Anyway, I like the restaurants and shops. The first time I put down a twenty dollar chip on a roulette wheel and 2 seconds later the croupier swept it away, my gambling problem was cured. I'm a pretty quick study so I caught on to that right away- you put money down, they sweep it away. The Cabela's store is absolutely nebulous. I saw the comment that they only sell clothes anymore, but that's not my experience. I've never been to any of the other locations, but the store in CT is almost like a sportsman's amusement park. It's full of sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. It includes museum quality animal displays, enormous aquariums, in house restaurants, food samples, trophy animals such a mountain goats, bears, etc in recreations of their natural habitats, on and on. I know that sounds like a commercial for Cabela's but I could just spend all day in there. Any PETA types would not like it much, however.
    20 dollars is kind of expensive to learn something you could have thought of for free.

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