As some of you may know, I am an Australian living in Thailand. My family (my Australian family as opposed to my Thai family) are back in Australia. The other day I was talking to one of my sisters on MSN and she let slip that my younger sister had visited a couple of antique stores and came across some straights. My younger sister can not maintain a hobby, she get bored too easily. But she vicariously lives through my hobby. So although she finds no interest in straights she enjoys the hunt.

So anyway, she picked up some razors for me but I don't know what type, what age, what condition or even how many. I also don't know if she will post them, has posted them or if she will pass them onto my parent to bring over when they come here on holiday.

So I have to wait and check the mail every day. I'm hoping for an old Sheffield with buffalo horn scales.

Why is waiting so hard?