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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Married with first kid... is my do you guys keep up with your straight razor use on a daily/weekly basis including dealing with your kids and other "home duties"..for me...I am always tired..zonked to be more precise though I do try to go for 30+minute walks to get away from working from home everyday..anyways..thought I would inquire!...for straight razor is being put aside as I was more moody and the time it took to use it and now using DE/SE blades...I have been hypoglycemia since I was 18 or diet is good and I take an all in one multivitamin and drink liquids as well

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  2. #2
    Senior Member speckey's Avatar
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    Hey pcdad
    Being a newbie to this, I have done my first shaves at night or when the grandparents have them when I am not under the gun by the kids or wife. As you may know, in the mornings with everyone needing to get somewhere or do something there is just no time. The last thing I want to do is have a razor at my neck (or do I).

    As far as care and upkeep I am still leaning how to fit that in. I was just thinking today where am I going to keep my razors? With a four year old and two year old no place is safe. I think unless someone says otherwise I am going to stash them in a 3 cigar leather case. They almost fit perfect. and I can keep them out of those little fingers.

    Im sure you will get many views from your question.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    For me it is a night time ritual, at least now, before I go to bed. I have Incorporated it into my shower and bedtime routine and it does not really add all that much time. I will normally start right after putting my kids to bed, the entire routine takes me about an hour and I feel great once I am done. However if I am feeling way to tired and my shower does not wake me up a little I just pass till the next day when i am not so tired.

  4. #4
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    I too shave at night so I can truly spend the time to enjoy it. The whole process doesn't take much time for me, but despite this I still only get 2-3 shaves a week. When I first started I shaved every day and probably still could. I have an extremely supportive family and they have no trouble helping me however I need. I take the time though to balance my life therefore I take time from my shaving to spend with my family. The balance is very important when I am up all night writing papers and they barely get to see me.


  5. #5
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I shave in the mornings. My day starts at 0430-0530 and ends around 1100. I have three girls under 4 years. My razors are in a cruddy little wooden stand I made, that sits in the bathroom cabinet above the sink. My kids tend to want to watch me shave and I don't have a problem with this. They know to be careful around sharp/hot/furry etc. things. I look out for myself and slow down a little and keep a general eye on who's where. A well a an ear out for the sound of little feet. I'm even typing this while holding a bottle to my babies mouth with my cheek, with her in the crook of my (non typing) arm and sorting out a fight between the other two.
    If doing something is important enough, you will find a way. In fact, a daily shave is, in my mind, more important with a new baby around. You don't want to be giving them a rash because you neglected to shave and they've had their face snuggled into your 'spikley' (my girls own word) neck.


  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Get a small lock box or even a cabinet if you have a collection, this will keep little fingers attached to little hands. Raised 5 kids and I have seen it all. Always make time for you, it is in everyones best interest.
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  7. #7
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    As some of the others have said, you usually end up shaving at night, or if it's a weekend perhaps when everyone else is either busy or away from home.

    Funny enough, I've been experimenting with several different DE blade brands for what seems like a very long time now., which means at least a couple DE shaves per week. The shortened shave time does seem to help out with the whole weekly time management thing.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    I strop on Sunday's and hae a rotation ready for when I hop out of the shower in the morning. I can shave now as fast as a guy can with a DE...It's the lather building that takes the longest...I like in the morning, because that is "my" time...Saying that Sunday is the "favorite" shave day because I take some time out before supper after oll the honey does and do some manskaping that is the slow and easy shave with the "best" out of the rotation...and a good face treatment of oil an a/s to knock the weekend beard...That shave will usually carry me until tuesday.

  9. #9
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I didn't mention that I have also be trying to find a DE blade to suit my face and as such have also been using the DE over the last week and a bit to experiment. So far I've yet to find a satisfactory blade that doesn't cause a rash. I definately have a preference for the CT's over the DE's at this time.


  10. #10
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    I am a night shaver also. I think when you have young children and hectic days it is more important to have some "me" time. My kids are away at college so I have too much time and miss the hectic days. I think 60 minutes at the end of the day for a nice walk and hot shower and shave is something you owe yourself. You may not get it everyday, but try for several days a week. It is important for your kids too.
    Last edited by Mvcrash; 09-17-2010 at 12:13 AM.
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