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  1. #31
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Hi JMS,
    +1 on the advice you've received for strength training (*balanced* strong muscles support joints).

    Fish oil (and cod liver oil) not only reduce inflammation (and thereby reduce pain), but the two omega 3 essential fatty acids they directly supply (EPA and DHA) are important for ALL of the body's healing functions (not just the joints).

    For the record, physical wear and tear does not cause osteoarthritis. If it did, then every professional (and serious amateur) marathoner and ultramarathoner would be forced to retire early due to OA of the ankles, knees and hips. It doesn't often happen. They will develop shin splints (hairline fractures of the shin bone) and they might slip and strain an ankle or a knee, but they don't all develop OA of the leg joints. OA is caused by generalized inflammation that attacks joint cartilage. And although it sounds counterintuitive, strong NSAIDs prescribed by doctors for OA actually contributes to continued cartilage damage.

    We need sulfur to produce healthy cartilage. Unfortunately, cooking food transforms the sulfur into a form that isn't easily biologically available to our bodies. Unless one's diet is mostly raw, a deficiency of sulfur has likely occurred. That will contribute to the breakdown of joints. (I'm 57 and take MSM every day along with the supplements mentioned in others' posts.)

    From the day we are born to the day we die, our bodies are constantly doing two things: building up (anabolism) and breaking down (catabolism). Anabolism is the stronger of the two from conception to reaching our adult size. After that, the two are pretty much in balance during our "reproductive years." Once our reproductive years are behind us, catabolism takes over and degenerative diseases begin to appear. If you'd like to turn back your biological clock--slow down catabolism and speed up anabolism--there are two books you ought to read:

    The Metabolic Plan : Stay Younger Longer
    by Stephen Cherniske, M.S.


    Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy--Until You're 80 and Beyond
    by Chris Crowley & Henry S. Lodge, M.D.

    Both are still available in paperback and ebooks. You can still find hardcover copies on the used book market.

    I'd like to recommend the regular practice of Yoga. Yoga is not only stretching (which is good for joints). Yoga asanas (poses), when done in proper order & technique, first compress muscles, joints and internal organs to squeeze out blood and toxins and then "open up" the same muscles, joints and internal organs to introduce fresh blood and vital nutrients.

    It would be best to enroll in a class so you would have the benefit of a certified Yoga teacher to help you learn proper technique, but just buying a beginner's Yoga DVD and using it faithfully for a half an hour to an hour every day is going to help.

    My joints are not yet to the point where pain limits my physical activities. But when or if they get there, I will take joint support supplements made by Standard Process. Standard Process supplements are whole food products. The Creator designed our bodies to consume whole foods, not processed foods. That's what makes Standard Process supplements unique. Learn more about them here.

    One last thought on inflammation. Dietary guidelines found here have been shown to reduce generalized inflammation in the body.

    Good luck to you. I'm 57 years young and worked in construction when I was much younger. Until June of this year I was taking the stairs in the Philadelphia Regional Rail stations three steps at a time. It felt good because most guys half my age can't do that consistently. I'd run up the stairs at the VA hospital and never use the elevator. Last June I developed a popliteal cyst behind my left knee (no problem with the cartilage though). I could only bend my left knee half way before it hurt. (Apparently our knees weren't designed to take three steps at a time year in and year out.)

    I took the stress off my knee by walking up and down the stairs one step at a time. Yoga (the Child Pose) reduced the popliteal cyst to the point where it appears to be gone in just one month. I mention that so you can see that Yoga really does help.
    Morty -_-

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  3. #32
    JMS is offline
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    Thanks all. Appreciate the advice.

    The night I posted this thread I bought fish oil on the advice of a friend. What I bought is called "RxOmega-3 Factors" and further more it adds "Pharmaceutical Grade". the EPA is at 400mg and the DHA is at 200mg which is at the highest amount I could find. I have been taking one soft gel tablet in the morning and one at night and I have already noticed a marked reduction in pain and inflamation. My left knee no longer hurts at all and the rest of my painful joints have normalized considerably...not perfect but not really all that painful. since it has been such a short time taking fish oil I am a bit skeptical that there may be an element of wishful thinking here so I will continue to watch what happens but so far so good...actually really good. its been awhile since I have been nearly pain free!

  4. #33
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Good deal Mark! I am glad to hear that.

    Based upon that information, (as I'm sure you have already figured out) you can deduce that your problem is orthopaedic in nature and is probably due to inflammation. As long as the dietary supplements continue working for you, you probably don't need to see a physician about your problem.

    If the problem persists after taking the supplements for awhile, or if it gets worse in the meantime, then it's probably time to get a consultation.

    Good luck!

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  5. #34
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    Well, I just unloaded every tool off of my truck so that I can get some hay bales and chicken scratch. This is normally a painful experience, not this time though.

    I think I'll stick with the fish oil

  6. #35
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    Regularly sitting in a hot tub at nights might make you feel better. If you don't have access to one then the next best thing is a hot bath. Try to ease the pain naturally. Best of luck.

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