I have lived a rather rigorous life. My occupations have always been physical and I have often had to push myself beyond my physical capabilities. This of course has taken its toll on my joints. I notice the pain when I slow down but at work the pain disappears so that when I need to push myself I don't notice the pain but my knees are getting worse and if I lay on my right shoulder just right while sleeping I wake up screaming...I have learned to stay on my left side while sleeping. To summarize my pains: my left ankle, left and right knee and also the tendon behind my left knee, both elbows, my right shoulder, sometimes my right ( or is it left? ) hip and sometimes I get an odd pain in my back bone.

Getting old and having to pay for my younger years is a bitch but yet I still push myself when needed and the thought of a desk job literally makes me sick to my stomach so I ask all you out in SRP land, what do you do to deal with your pains when you have no choice but to keep going? A friend of mine advised fish oil but there are so many brands on the market place. I have also heard that glucosimine (sp?) is a good product for joint troubles but again, so many brands. Home remedies, pharmaceuticals, whatever, just tell me how you manage. I have never been one to take pills for pain and will not likely start, what I am looking for however is something that will help my joints heal so that the pain will subside because there is no reason for the pain but not because I numbed the pain. Keep in mind, I am not a rich man so surgery and expensive physical therapy are likely out of the question.

I am surprised my hands don't hurt compared to the rest of my body as they have seen more action than all my other body parts.

Any help and advice would be appreciated.