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Thread: Maybe this will make you laugh
10-07-2010, 01:58 AM #1
Maybe this will make you laugh
Making dinner tonight for the kids and I say to my daughter do you hear the squirrels outside they sound mad. A little later I am cooking on the grill and my daughter says "daddy there is something in the basement the cats are chasing"
I go do there to see my fat declawed cat and the normal young cat looking at a bookshelf. From that bookshelf a sound is emanating, its an angry squirrel. Now all the cats are down in the basement as well as my daughter and the dog is at the top of the stairs.
I need to get rid of the cats, kids and dog, close the door. I dont want that little @#$%@#$ to get upstairs. Meanwhile the grill is still going with burgers on it.
Back in the basement, I will take on the squirrel. Man vs woodland creature I'm armed with a broom and towel and proceed to chase this guy around the basement. In the process knocking over the cat box. Not only do I have this squirrel running around out smarting a 6'1 275# man but there is litter and cat poop on the floor. Now twinkle toe Steve has landmines to avoid while trying to catch the beast. Remember food still on grill.
The basement door opens my daughter calls down "daddy are you ok?"
As I answer all the cats come back down. This is not going well.
I remember the grill I ask my daughter to go see what is going on outside on the grill (stupid question right? I know what is going on) she comes to me and say's "daddy there is a lot of smoke". Meanwhile there is a lot of adult language going on it basement. There is a light at the end of the tunnel coming.
Enter....The Wife. her words of wisdom (she is a Veterinarian) leave the cats down there they will get him.
As I write this there is a squirrel in my basement without any cats or kids but two traps with apples and peanut butter bait.
Who will win? Stay tuned
No burgers tonight Pizza for dinner.
10-07-2010, 02:00 AM #2
Ohhh..please dont forget to update. Rather good images going on. Good storytelling
10-07-2010, 02:02 AM #3
LOL I had two of them in my attic years ago. I to cussed, chased and trapped. Nothing worked. Called the professionals. THey trapped and nothing. We ended up leaving them there. I named the Rebecca and Al. Id hear them running around. They never messed with anything and even went outside to use the bath room. Sold the house with them living there.
10-07-2010, 02:30 AM #4
2 Words
115: First Day | This American Life
Story Starts at 20 minute mark.
10-07-2010, 07:09 AM #5
I have no worries myself as my dog takes out all the squirrels around these parts.
Do keep us updated please.
10-07-2010, 07:53 AM #6
10-07-2010, 07:59 AM #7
Hehe! You're right, that did make me laugh..! Thanks for sharing!
I remember my sisters cat brought in a squirrel a few years ago, and then darn thing was almost the same size as the cat! Of course the cat let it go and then we had the mad chase to catch the little bugger before he wrecked the joint or escaped into some little nook. Its not like I could get the shotgun out either, being indoors and all..!
They're nimble little things, squirrels.
10-07-2010, 08:35 AM #8
I had squirrels eating stuff on the patio garden. Totally ate some
prize plants down to the roots....
I went to the local Indian market and got a couple pounds of
hot red pepper and sprinkled it liberally on all the jumping off
and landing places....
Oh my oh my what a racket and scolding they gave me the next day.
10-07-2010, 09:30 AM #9
pics pics pics.
10-07-2010, 10:48 AM #10
Great story! Personally, the biggest cliff hanger was what was happening with the burgers.
I always hate it when I loose food.