I live in a college town in the middle of Mississippi and my house is just on the outskirts of city limits, so only one internet service provider reaches my area, thus they have a monopoly on the area. My roommates and I upgraded from our standard 3 Mb/s internet speed to 7 Mb/s, and sometimes it is much faster... but not today... It's been nothing but slow today. I decided to run a speed test and the results were a ping of 1151 ms (that's over one full second to send out a piece of data then get it back; it should be less than 100 ms) and a download speed of 0.06 Mb/s, which is less than 1% of what we are paying for... I just needed to rant about it somewhere

Does anyone else live in a similar situation? This is not only annoying, but can be a real problem sometimes.