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    JMS is offline
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    Talking Don't blame Pres. Obama...

    ...maybe he just can't help himself.

    Take a gander here:

    Researchers Find the 'Liberal Gene' -

    I haven't delved deeply into this matter but I have noticed it coming up a bit lately and became curious as to what my Shaving brethren think.
    While I believe our genes play a part in our make up it seems as if stories like these help to remove our ideas of personal responsibility, the ability to think and choose for oneself, taken to the logical conclusion we are just "meat" robots pre-programmed. It swings a real blow against freedom of thought and action. I mean are we sentient? are we capable of true choice? or are we just pre-programmed automatons programmed to delude ourselves that we do have choices and can think for ourselves.

    What say you?
    Last edited by JMS; 10-28-2010 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #2
    JMS is offline
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    I just had a thought...maybe we are pre-programmed like a computer. all our likes and dislikes, all our actions and reactions,everything down to the smallest detail pre-programmed...until our higher nature is capable of taking over the ship. maybe our fits in our teenage years, our middle age crisis is our programmed self and our higher self in conflict...not quite ready for the "takeover or "marriage" if you will.

    Am I high? what do you think.

  3. #3
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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  • #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I voted for him and given the same choices I would do so again. He inherited a mess and he seems to be out of his depth. He seems to be more interested in Wall Street than Main Street. I'm very disappointed that he is continuing the previous administration's policies in the two wars.

    We ought to be out of there IMO. A waste of our people and our resources. Like Nam we will end up leaving, accomplishing nothing but wasting lives and money. Sad that all of these ego freaks that end up in there fall into the same trap. They don't want to be the one to lose the un-winnable war.

    As for me I'm not represented by either party. I'm an FDR, Lyndon Johnson kind of democrat. Not the millionaire ilk that is in the house and senate today. They sold us out just like their republican brethren for filthy lucre. Killed the goose that laid the golden egg, the American middle class. That is my take anyhow, YMMV. Believe what you want, it is still sort of a free country. End of rant.
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  • #5
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I voted for him and given the same choices I would do so again. He inherited a mess and he seems to be out of his depth. He seems to be more interested in Wall Street than Main Street. I'm very disappointed that he is continuing the previous administration's policies in the two wars.

    We ought to be out of there IMO. A waste of our people and our resources. Like Nam we will end up leaving, accomplishing nothing but wasting lives and money. Sad that all of these ego freaks that end up in there fall into the same trap. They don't want to be the one to lose the un-winnable war.

    As for me I'm not represented by either party. I'm an FDR, Lyndon Johnson kind of democrat. Not the millionaire ilk that is in the house and senate today. They sold us out just like their republican brethren for filthy lucre. Killed the goose that laid the golden egg, the American middle class. That is my take anyhow, YMMV. It is sort of a free country. End of rant.
    Sorry Jimmy. that was only a device to grab attention to my real question which is, do we have free will or are we "meat" robots or maybe there is another option.
    I invite all to explore this question with me.

  • #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Sorry Jimmy. that was only a device to grab attention to my real question which is, do we have free will or are we "meat" robots or maybe there is another option.
    I invite all to explore this question with me.
    Sorry Mark, I didn't get it. Old timer's disease I guess. I have free will ..... just because the label says Escher I don't have to buy it unless I want to ...... and I usually want to.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  • #7
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    I might need a new signature.

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    We tend to develop our ideas from others, particularly our parents, at least in political realms. Rarely does anyone that pushes a political agenda have any critical thought behind their agenda, at least in my experience. They believe what they believe, and according to most studies, believe in those ideas, because they are emulating others.

    At least that's what I was taught in college.

    As you know I don't particularly pay attention to political discussions because they always seemed self serving and not oriented toward protections for the general populace. Or they are oriented toward the assumption that most people are like the person who is pushing the agenda.

    Politics and religion are very similar. We believe what we believe and no fact will change our perception. I don't think it's in the genes unless you consider listening to your parents "in the genes".

  • #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well that tidbit came from Fox-news so you just know it came from the horse's... mouth?
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  • #10
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Sorry Jimmy. that was only a device to grab attention to my real question which is, do we have free will or are we "meat" robots or maybe there is another option.
    I invite all to explore this question with me.
    I believe that we have what I'd describe (for lack of any kind of term that even gets close) as a structured free will. In this sense, we are agents without the ability to control all of our circumstances, but have the ability to choose otherwise for any given situation. Some choices may be unlikely and unrealistic, but they exist.


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