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  1. #31
    Some kind of Zombie BigJim's Avatar
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    Glad to see you picked one up. If it fits YOU that's what matters.

    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    As a nation, we've lost the art of looking well dressed, period. For most Brits, every day is dress-down Friday.
    The only 'hats' that seem popular are baseball caps. The way the peak is worn equates to IQ score ,the further to the rear, the lower it is.
    That's largely true here on the other side of the pond. I don't dress up too much myself. But there's a certain class I try to maintain. Class never goes out of style.

    Over here though, we call that the bill. If the bill of the baseball cap is forward that's one thing. If it's backward, you must be working on something that required you to turn it momentarily, or your IQ is suspect. If it's sideways in any fashion your in need of a brain transplant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Wearing a fedora, like a straight razor is not so much a fashion as it is a staement of character.
    BIG +1 there. If it fits your personality and character, that makes all the difference as to whether or not you can "pull it off"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ogershok View Post
    This is me at about age 4.
    Awesome pic.

    Me, I can't "pull off" a Fedora, or at least any that I've found. I also can't pull off a baseball cap. They're simply too small for my gigantic cranium. On the other hand, driver's caps fit well and look good so I've got three; a khaki colored poly/hemp mesh cap for summer, nice, cool, and keeps my sadly balding head from burning. A black cap of the same, perfect for spring and fall days as it's just a little warmer. And then a brown wool cap that keeps my head toasty in the winter. Oh, and I've got a panama for working out doors, and a Stetson I wear only occasionally.

    All in all I think hats are on the rise in popularity (kinda like straights). The Fedora, the Newsies, and the Driver's cap are showing up on the silver and small screens more, and are being stocked more in stores in my region. There are others out there, but I don't see them rising in popularity as much.

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    They are certainly having a bit of a comeback, although you don't often see the traditional fur felt efforts. very happy with mine, wear it often on calm days with depressingly constant rain.

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