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  1. #1
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Default How can anyone justify Smartphones?

    Unless you use one for business or are on the road all the time or don't have a computer and internet at home?

    I was looking at upgrading my cell phone. I still have a V3c (Razor) from... six or seven years ago?

    If I get a smartphone, I have to get an unlimited data plan for $30 per month. That is a requirement with Verizon. On top of that, I have to have a voice plan, the cheapest of which is $40.

    a) Why do I have to get unlimited data?

    b) How is 450 minutes of voice (costs $40) MORE EXPENSIVE than unlimited data?

    c) Given that free internet phone calling is available, why do I have to have a voice plan at all in addition to a data plan?

    d) How is it that anyone can spend $70 + fees per month on a cell phone? Seriously. I spend less than that on FOOD.

    The devices themselves make sense. They are phone, internet, mp3, video and still cameras all rolled into one, but the cost is INSANE.

  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Get one, and you'll never ask that question again.

    It's one inflated expense in life that I'll never give up. In fact, awhile ago I did make a choice between satellite TV and my smartphone; I haven't had a satellite in over three years. It would be tough to go three days without my phone.

    It doesn't take long to get used to being totally connected to everything. I have my email, my social networks, internet, SRP, news, RSS, EVERYTHING available instantly, any time I want it. The ability to be that connected all the time is probably more addictive than crack.
    That's not taking into account the financial apps, the entertainment apps, the utility apps... My phone is a functional personal assistant. There are lots of things that I don't worry about, because my phone takes care of them for me.

    Heck, my phone even got me to Mike Blue's without ending up in any snowbanks.

    That said, some of the prices from wireless companies are ridiculous... This isn't about smartphones, but another example of wireless pricing that makes no sense: For $30/month I have unlimited data on my phone (truly unlimited, not unlimited with bandwidth restrictions). With a USB air card I only get 5 gigs for $50.
    It baffles me that the same data over the same network is priced differently depending on the device that's receiving it.
    Last edited by HNSB; 03-24-2011 at 04:58 AM.

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  3. #3
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    Heck, my phone even got me to Mike Blue's without ending up in any snowbanks.

    I bought new tires last Monday!

  4. #4
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    I bought new tires last Monday!
    Are the zip ties still holding that whatchamajigger happily in place?

    Apologies to everyone for the

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Shoki's Avatar
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    My smart phone is supplied by work but I would never pay to own one. A nice $10 cell phone and $100 bucks worth of minutes and you are set for a year. Spend the rest on a iPod Touch or and iPad 2 or a laptop.

    $200 plus 50 a month for 2 years is silly if you ask me.

  6. #6
    Senior Member teemus's Avatar
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    Yeah, my phone plan expired back in August and the provider was pushing smart phones on me, offering free data for the first two months and other gimmicks. It would be nice to have all bonus things that come with a smart phone, but I just could not justify it, even if I did have the money to spend on it.

    Right now I've got a $25 bill and my phone does everything I need it to.

  7. #7
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    they justify them because that is what smartphone commands them to do
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  • #8
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    I've been mulling over the same question.

    I'm tempted to get a smartphone just to keep my technical skills up. It bothers me when I'm handed a phone to take a picture and have to ask:

    . . . Which button do I press?

    But that's a poor reason to spend lots of money. I'm retired, not working.

    I recently bought an Acer notebook for $300, about what a smartphone costs. The Acer has a gigabyte of memory, an Intel N550 chip, and a real keyboard. It's a perfect 'travel computer'.

    But it isn't pocket-sized, and it isn't "always-connected" (though I could arrange that, for a price).

    Different charges per byte, depending on what device the data is sent to? Marketing, marketing, marketing.


  • #9
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I could almost go without a cell phone. I can't hear it over the grinder anyway
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  • #10
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I have one. I got talked into it by the salesman after he explained all the problems I would have if I took either of the 'phones of my choice. After I stated that I didn't want to spend anymore than $50 a month with no upfront cost, only to read in the welcome letter I received a few days later, that I would be paying a total of $70 a month due to some other non disclosed fee, I was a little bit irate. Needless to say I've taken them to task over it, and it now looks like I will have the fee structure I wanted in the first place and still keep the mobile 'phone they sold me...Rightly so I think too! Considering the option given to me was, "Oh, just bring the 'phone back to the store sir, and we will replace it with a cheaper option and re-contract you.' Like hell sunshine! I thought. All my contacts and information was already in the 'phone and what would be the most likely thing that would happen to it once it was return?! It would be (hopefully, can't trust it to happen) wiped of all data and on sold. But what if it wasn't done properly?! Or what if the weasel of a store manager decided to scan through my data for his own purposes?!...
    My 'phone just sits on the table and uses up battery power mostly, although it is nice when I'm out in the sticks that I can log into SRP of course. So it has it's advantages.


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