OK, that tears it. After midnight tonight pay will cease for a whole bunch of brave young kids that are going to bed tonight in a country full of people that would prefer them dead. Contrary to what the political elite and the mainstream media would have you believe, I never saw a GI in 25 years in the business that had more money than they knew what to do with.

God knows I could write 25 pages on all the compelling philosophical and ethical reasons for my 25+ year career, and no, I don't regret a damn second of any of it (in fact I'd go back in a minute if they ever got so desperate they'd take doddering old codgers) but like anyone else, these kids have to make a living and they've got bills to pay. Any Commander in Chief that would stand idly by and watch this happen should be impeached for Deriliction of Duty. I'm off to write a letter to my Congressman.