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Thread: I'm Not Sayin...I'm Just Sayin

  1. #11
    Senior Member TheZ's Avatar
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    I think the whole thing's just ridiculous, but I would point out that from what I have read, the soldiers will be compensated, it is just that if the government is still shut down at the end of the pay period, they will not receive the money until the government reopens. Not a good thing, but not nearly as bad as not getting paid at all.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    You've got to explain to me how is this his fault? Isn't it the job of the congress to give him the money? What happened with the mandate that the american voters gave on the last elections to make the government smaller? Here's small government.
    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if Obama says poop the Democrats in Congress will squat and say how much. As Commander in Chief he should have at least used this leverage to ensure the kids getting shot at were at least making a living. Yes, it is and was the Democrat controlled Congress that was supposed to have passed this budget not later than 01 October 2010. They apparently sluffed that deadline off to ensure that Obama's medical care debacle was crammed down people's throats. This isn't smaller government this is absolute stupidity! We've got $2 Billion to loan to Brazilian Oil interests owned by George Soros so they can bolster their operations in the Gulf of Mexico, while Obama's assanine moritorium on American oil drilling remains in place but we can't pay kids that are putting their lives on the line for this country? Sorry Dude but this is just plain damn wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    From what I understand the issue is that we're broke, so we'll borrow 1 500 billion dollars and will under no circumstance borrow 10 billion extra, because those 10 billion pay for things our political half doesn't like, so let's punish everybody until the other political half learns their lesson and cries 'uncle'..

    All we here from state controlled media is about the Republican attack on women's health. Isn't this cats A$$ medical reform bill supposed to cover all that? So if we can't pay for abortions with tax payer dollars we can't pay soldiers? During the Obama Care debate the right was told that "Elections have consequences" so sit down and shut up. Why does that only work one way? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that we're broke and cannot sustain our current spending levels. I applaud efforts to cut spending and in case you are wondering the DoD has already given up more than their fair share. Besides getting their lowest pay raise since 1961 this year. Many benefits are on the chopping block and taxes on military retirements mysteriously increased by $40 a month because "the tax tables had been re-drawn". What's more, despite a higher operations tempo than any time in history, there was another round of personnel cuts to the tune of around 100,000 people. On top of all that, we can't even pay the people that are still out their in the $hit. This is should be a national disgrace but the liberal left see's more value in the use of abortions as birth control than it does in someone fighting to defend freedom.

    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    What if all those GIs come back and find good paying jobs in the home country. If national security is the problem, may be tasking them with effectively protecting the borders, as well as dealing with the existing internal threads would be something that would cost less and pose less risk than running several wars abroad?
    I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. If you're in the military and you don't get paid, you can't simply take your ball and go home. Nor can you walk off the job. At worst (in a combat command) desertion is punishable by life in prison or a death sentence. At best, (in a stateside command not involved in tactical operations) desertion is a felony conviction that will result in jail time (and oh good luck getting a decent job if you're a convicted felon.) Where will all the homecoming heroes find all these good jobs? Will we ship them back home to China? I don't disagree that we should get out of the Middle East at the earliest opportunity. It would seem that no matter how many of our kids die over there or leave arms and legs over there, or how much of our money we pump into their corrupt governments, our efforts will never be appreciated and America will always be the great Satan. At the end of the day, we're all just pork eating infidels that should be systematically slaughtered. That's just plain old truth. As much as the Old GI in me hates to bail in the middle of the fight, it's obvious our country will not tolerate the level of brutality necessary to win a war with these people and winning hearts and minds no matter how well intended, is totally out of the question in that part of the world. I would further agree that our military would be better used to secure our borders and defend our own country. While we're at it how about canning the Kumbaya garbage and bolster our nuclear arsenal because regardless of what they might say, our nuclear adversaries are not inclined to string love beads and join hands. However, at the end of the day, whatever role they would be used in they will likely not do the job for free.

    PS: If Obama keeps this up, the 5 Democrats currently on active duty with the U.S. military will probably vote Republican next time out.

    PPS: If you'd like to hear some of my ideas for REAL budget cuts, PM me as this one will likely be a bit caustic for public display.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 04-09-2011 at 02:55 AM.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheZ View Post
    I think the whole thing's just ridiculous, but I would point out that from what I have read, the soldiers will be compensated, it is just that if the government is still shut down at the end of the pay period, they will not receive the money until the government reopens. Not a good thing, but not nearly as bad as not getting paid at all.
    Yes they will get back pay once the situation gets unf#$ked but what do you say to that deployed GI's family that needs his paycheck to eat on or pay bills with? Kids, we'll have to fast until the quizzlings in Washington decide to pay your Dad. Oh, Mr. Lanlord, I know our rent it due but we got no paycheck this month so we were hoping that you'd be a sport and let us slide for a while.

    How bout this, since most of our elected representatives have plenty of dirty money coming in and were likely millionaires when they got elected how about a bipartisan relief fund for indigent GIs. 100% of each member of the House and Senate's pay each payday donated to help these people out until Washington can resolve it's rectal cranial inversion. Where the hell are Bono and George Clooney on this one? Oh that's right they'd never raise money for symbols of American arrogance and imperialism.
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 04-09-2011 at 03:21 AM.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Last year the NY state failed to pass a budget even though the senators had to go without pay. The thing is that those with the actual power couldn't care less for their government pay - they get enough money from other sources. All I'm saying is that KISS doesn't work the way one my imagine. Here's a quote I quite like:
    "I will go line by line and Veto....." do you remember that promise? He is smart enough to at least know what is right, but our leader clearly does not want to get his hands dirty and ruin his chances of getting re-elected. Obama had a chance to show that he cared about our boys in the military, but he did not show any leadership on that one either.
    The Senate has had years to fix this budget problems but clearly care more about their jobs more than our boys and that is going to bite them in the A$$. These guys need to show some Country first real soon before they flush us all down the toilette. That is not stupid it is just common sense and most folk that I talk to can understand that the passionate issues need to be debated later when we get back on some solid ground.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Yes they will get back pay once the situation gets unf#$ked but what do you say to that deployed GI's family that needs his paycheck to eat on or pay bills with? Kids, we'll have to fast until the quizzlings in Washington decide to pay your Dad. Oh, Mr. Lanlord, I know our rent it due but we got no paycheck this month so we were hoping that you'd be a sport and let us slide for a while.

    How bout this, since most of our elected representatives have plenty of dirty money coming in and were likely millionaires when they got elected how about a bipartisan relief fund for indigent GIs. 100% of each member of the House and Senate's pay each payday donated to help these people out until Washington can resolve it's rectal cranial inversion. Where the hell are Bono and George Clooney on this one? Oh that's right they'd never raise money for symbols of American arrogance and imperialism.
    Just wanted to point that out, I wasn't disagreeing with you at all. I would also add it's not just GI's who are affected by this as well. I know more than one person who will be temporarily out of work because of this, and may be laid off if it takes more than a short amount of time. All because of pet issues, bickering, and grandstanding.

  6. #16
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Yes, it is and was the Democrat controlled Congress that was supposed to have passed this budget not later than 01 October 2010.
    Yes, they failed to do their job and got voted out. As far as I can tell the new majority is not only failing to pass a budget, but is also threatening to completely shut down the government. You disdain the 'ramming of the healthcare bill', yet somehow I fail to see where is the new consensus building majority that is passing bills with the unanimous support of everybody.
    All you have to propose is that the president just bows to whatever demands the republican majority poses. I'm sorry to say it, but if you believe that the 3%-5% that determines which side has the majority should have an absolute dictate, then you just don't understand what this country is all about, regardless whether you've served, or not.

    I don't know whether abortions are the problem, or not since there isn't much official word on it. But if they are your logic is perverse - it's the republicans who are holding the military pay hostage to a drastic change. Apparently it's not much money, in comparison to the damage, so the common sense is that keeping closer to the status quo over the past decades is the norm, and changing it completely is the aberration.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Many benefits are on the chopping block and taxes on military retirements mysteriously increased by $40 a month because "the tax tables had been re-drawn".
    It's the same thing with other government employees, like teachers, yet if memory serves in that case you didn't mind it much.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. If you're in the military and you don't get paid, you can't simply take your ball and go home.
    I agree, I didn't say anything about desertion, did I? What I said is that if America isn't getting enough benefit from keeping military presence and waging wars all over the world, may be changing this is something worth considering, eh?
    And why should somebody be given a job? Free market will take care of it - those who can't find a job should just make one, at least that's what the conservative approach is. Want a good middle class job? You did say once 'china's middle class is burgeoning' - may be time to learn chinese the same way as for hundreds of years people have learned english if they wanted to come live and have a job in USA.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    and bolster our nuclear arsenal
    Sure, how big should that arsenal be? I would say until we colonize space going over what's enough to make the earth uninhabitable is a wasteful spending.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    PS: If Obama keeps this up, the 5 Democrats currently on active duty with the U.S. military will probably vote Republican next time out.
    That actually depends on who would they see as the main culprit, I wouldn't take it for granted that it's Obama. After all with all this conservative talk about the constitution somebody is bound to read beyond the pre-selected passages they're supposed to stick to.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

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  8. #17
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    Flipping through the chanels it seems that the new budget has been passed. I understand it doesn't mean anything as far as the root of this debate, but at least for the time being everything should be back to the normal mess that it is :-).

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehekler View Post
    Flipping through the chanels it seems that the new budget has been passed. I understand it doesn't mean anything as far as the root of this debate, but at least for the time being everything should be back to the normal mess that it is :-).
    Apparently, there are some SRP members in DC. I am so glad they were reading our constructive advice.

  10. #19
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    well i dont expect to ever be rich but i still want to serve my country so no matter how bad the pay is gonna be i will still never back down from my desision to join the armed forces and join the ranks of the brave men and women that gave this great country everyhting they had.

    I just hope the government reaches an agreement so the men and women overseas still get a paycheck.

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    well i dont expect to ever be rich but i still want to serve my country so no matter how bad the pay is gonna be i will still never back down from my desision to join the armed forces and join the ranks of the brave men and women that gave this great country everyhting they had.

    I just hope the government reaches an agreement so the men and women overseas still get a paycheck.
    Outstanding, thanks for your service, I went in at 17 right out of high school and loved every second of it. I saw the world and places I never would have been able to otherwise and managed a college education in the process. It was never easy (lots of times a big old kick in the fellas) and the money on a great day was adequate but I was doing something I believed in and I count myself as blessed for having a job I loved for over 25 years. They'll figure something out, I guess we always do.

    I'd like to thank you for your post. I think often times people (especially gruff old farts like me) are quick to voice their outrage and defend one side of an issue or another. In the heat of these arguments I think both sides seem to forget who we are as a country as Americans as opposed to Republicans/Democrats, rich/poor, black/white, liberal/conservative, whatever. As aggravated as I can get with the leadership of this country (or the lack thereof) I think it's important to make the distinction that these idiots in Washington (on both sides) are rather like game show hosts and/or reality show stars. They don't represent us and on either side don't seem to do a very good job reflecting our national character, our real values or our character as a country. Sure there's lots of reasons to be concerned about the future of the Republic but I think this polarization and the muddying of our national character and identity might just be the biggest. If we could somehow not be pulled to one side or the other and remember what it was like when we had that common national character and identity, we'll get through this tough time the same as the others in our history. Your post clearly reflects this national character, thank you. As for America, it's still the greatest country in the world and I'd be the first one on the jet if fat old farts could still get in the $h...I mean...stuff.
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