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Thread: best deer hunting story ever

  1. #1
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default best deer hunting story ever

    I have never missed a deer with a rifle in my life, always took my time and made good shots, yesterday i broke that streak. I got out of my ladder stand around 1 pm unloaded my gun to get down, i was takign a leak with the empty gun on my back when i look up and see a nice buck probly an 8 come moving in, so while urinating i try to load my gun and when i do the buck starts moving so i hurrie up and try to get a shot and miss, the buck litterly caught my with my pants down or at least my zipper. all in all i seen 23 doe 3 spikes and the 8 so it was a good day
    nessmuck, 32t and Str8Shooter like this.

  2. #2
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Great story, Deerhunter. Too bad about not bagging the buck, and I'm sure you peed on your boots while trying to load your rifle. Wear adult diapers next time, that way when people ask "Should I pee or load my rifle?", you can say "Depends".
    nun2sharp, paco, 32t and 1 others like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    you can say "Depends". rotflmao Guys c'mon. Taking a leak or a dump when hunting is FAMOUS for these stories. They're gonna happen. Either laugh and let them go or devise a way to be able to take a conscientous shot. A large bore side arm can be helpful. As the 'smithing series from Brownell's says: the history of hunting deer is the history of deer making fools out of men. My Dad's version was having a buck jump over him and the picnic table he was eating dinner at. Another local fell asleep, waking to the musky smell of a bull (elk - for you non-hunters) standing 24" from his feet. 'Glad you got to get out and enjoy the season. 'Hope many more memories accummulate fondly.
    Joe. You're pretty local. I'm just out of Scappoose. Hollar if you get the itch to try blades or rocks - or if I can be of help.
    Last edited by pinklather; 11-29-2011 at 05:35 PM.
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  4. #4
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    i pissed all down my boots and outer camo brush pants, nesxt time i just take my chances and keep my gun loaded or i bring a empty soda bottle with me to refill, needless to say im headed out as soon as i can i have 2 weeks to kill me a buck and a doe and i want at least the buck i wont kill a doe untill the last day.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Best deer hunting story I've ever heard involved a friend of mine's father. He had been out all day without seeing anything. Finally got tired and loaded up his Bronco and left. While driving out of the area, a rather large buck had jumped off the hillside and came crashing through his moon roof. He wrecked the Bronco into a tree trying to get out. The deer completely ripped apart the interior before finally dying. Even though his truck was wrecked, he was happy that he got got the deer.
    heelerau and alb1981 like this.

  6. #6
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    You should take up spearfishing. I can't tell you how many times I've pee'd in my wetsuit. Divers have a word for it, it's called "turning on the wetsuit heater".

  7. #7
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Yeah, it never fails 30 minutes after you get in the woods the cold makes your bladder draw up and you gotta pee like madness...
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Wetsuit heater. Yes. While rounding the ridge of a reef at the same time a 28" stingray was. I was new to it & had no idea what threat level that presented, so the heater came on. After a hasty about face, I looked back and saw it was doing the same - heading away.

    Back in hunting, walking a fire road in Northern Cal, I walked past where the road was cut into a low (6-8') hillside. In Jimmy Buffet's words (God's Own Drunk), 'that's when I saw the bear'. This wasn't the Buffet '19' kodiak-looking fella', but slightly over 5' tall, now standing erect on his hinds. I have no idea who jumped higher or left a bigger pile.
    joesixpack likes this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Great story. All I can say is BCMP. Bottle clearly marked piss...widemouth bottle with yellow electrical tape round it so you don't mix it up with your drinking water! Then you don't have to leave your stand until you need a meeting with Brad Pitt(sh*t!). Good stuff

  10. #10
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    Back in hunting, walking a fire road in Northern Cal, I walked past where the road was cut into a low (6-8') hillside. In Jimmy Buffet's words (God's Own Drunk), 'that's when I saw the bear'. This wasn't the Buffet '19' kodiak-looking fella', but slightly over 5' tall, now standing erect on his hinds. I have no idea who jumped higher or left a bigger pile.
    We have black bear out here at the beach. They don't bother me too much. My biggest fear is that I'd come across a cub. That's when they're dangerous (not the cub, the mom). I had a mother bear and two cubs wander out of the dunes onto my yard a couple of years back. They wandered back into the trees as soon as they saw me, though.

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