View Poll Results: Phone Advice ?

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  • AT&T

    2 11.11%
  • Verizon

    6 33.33%
  • I-Pod

    1 5.56%
  • basic cell phone, buy minutes

    0 0%
  • Give up the landline, cell is enough

    3 16.67%
  • keep the landline along with the cell

    2 11.11%
  • Other

    4 22.22%
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Thread: Cell Phone or I-Pod ... or Droid ? ATT or Verizon ?

  1. #11
    I've Got R.A.D. Bad! Omega1975's Avatar
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    I have had every Iphone since the first . The only one that has ever given me problems is the 4 , it drops calls . Even with the case and all that extra stuff they said would help it still drops calls. I have not sprung for the 4S I am likely switching to and android (Galaxy s 2) . I have ATT and reception has not been an issue but im also in NYC. I would consider verizon because they have less expensive plans but im stil under contract. Also if you travel in and out of the states I have often been told ATT is the only way to go. Hope this helps

    - Ben

  2. #12
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    Should have made it a multi option poll...

    I have an android based OS (HTC Aria) and I love it. Very easy to use, the app market for HTC is up to date with Iphone and Droids, the touch screen keyboard is a tad bit small but that is mainly because my phone is very compact. I haven't used Iphones much but I can tell you my gf is complaining about hers often.

    With the ATT vs. Verizon debate that used to be a no brainer, Verizon had the most up to date cell phone signal and thus best/strongest coverage. However, ATT has finally gotten around to upgrading theirs starting in major cities, so I don't have any issues related to dropped calls, unsent texts, or loss of data signal where I used to.

    As was mentioned earlier, I think you should go in and grab an iphone and android phone to see which one is easier for you to use. Don't have an associate show you how to do all of the functions, just mess around with it on your own. Then choose the carrier that offers you the best deal based on your data, minute, and text needs.

  3. #13
    Senior Member globaldev's Avatar
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    i have an OG droid (SS 5.6 GB) on VZ chugging along, wife has a iphone 4 (not S) on VZ, brother has a droid bionic on VZ.
    the OG droid is showing it's age vs the bionic and everyone who isn't tweeting or checking in seems to agree that the only thing the iphone seems to win out on is the camera... my wife actually prefers android to ios, skype to facetime, etc... . i think both get the job done and for general use, you would be hard pressed to find any real world difference.

  4. #14
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    I cannot say this or that about ATT vs Verizon as they do not work here.
    Iphone vs Android is mostly about personal preferences, but i think they both are capable of doing things as well. My son has iphone and i use Android. What i do not like in iphone is that is pretty closed system, you cannot much tune it up. For what i know, it is very easy to use.
    Android isn't difficult either, but much more customizable.
    If you use Mac, then your changes to tune up Android are very limited.
    Then there's Windows Mobile also. I haven't used but i've heard that it works well, specially if you have Win PC.
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  5. #15
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    I use Android OS and my wife has WP7. She uses her phone to make calls, text, check email & Facebook, and look up recipes. That's about it. Her phone is capable of more but that's all she uses it for. Occasionally mapping if she gets lost.
    I use mine for pretty much everything. Tapatalk is the greatest invention in the world. I prefer its interface for forums over using my PC. Google Maps is great GPS software.
    If you're in the Northeast and don't go too far inland then ATT should work fine. We have ATT and around here it works pretty good until you're out in the sticks. Then Sprint/Ntelos is the best bet. But, when I drive north to MA I have reception the whole way there. Even out at my cottage in the Berkshires where you can't even get cable. My Sprint/Ntelos phone for work gets no reception there but ATT has focused its coverage on the coasts and if you're within 3 hours of a major metropolitan area you should be good.
    I think you're a linux guy, Jimmy, iirc a few threads. You'll probably like Android a bit better. iOS is slick and shiny but if you like to tweak things then iOS isn't very nice. Plus, you'll probably like these guys: Android & Windows Phone: Tablets, Apps, & ROMs @ xda-developers . Lots of open source and customizable ROMs for pretty much every Android phone so you can get rid of the bloatware that ATT & Verizon like to put on every phone.

  6. #16
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    I haven't customized my Android phone very much other than the normal user setting and stuff. How do you go about customizing roms?

    Sorry in advance for the quick thread jack

  7. #17
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwistedOak View Post
    I haven't customized my Android phone very much other than the normal user setting and stuff. How do you go about customizing roms?

    Sorry in advance for the quick thread jack
    I honestly haven't done much more than putting a different version of android on it for a few weeks. Then I went back to stock to see if there was a performance advantage.
    I think I'm going to go back to the open source version of Android so I have a bit more space on it.

    Here's their subforum devoted to the Aria: HTC Aria - xda-developers

  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Don't listen to these young whippersnappers Jimmy. Being in that advanced age category you need one of those AARP specials. You know the plain Jane phone with those huge keys and displays. You ain't gonna pilot no rocket ship at your age so just the minimum you need.
    JimmyHAD, MickR and 32t like this.
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  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Don't listen to these young whippersnappers Jimmy. Being in that advanced age category you need one of those AARP specials. You know the plain Jane phone with those huge keys and displays. You ain't gonna pilot no rocket ship at your age so just the minimum you need.
    Yeah, I thought all of the cell phones came with those big keys ? That's what I get for asking a bunch of guys who shave the way they did 100 years ago about which cell phone to buy !
    Jimbo, Mvcrash, MickR and 1 others like this.
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  11. #20
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    In my experience with smart phones, it is not the operating system that matters so much as the hardware. I bought a Garmin Asus satnav/cell phone with Android on it, and the hardware is just not keeping up with the latest software versions. The phone is almost useless now. Although, it is still a great little sat-nav (as all Garmins are IMO).

    So I'd suggest that if you go the smart phone route, take some time to check out the best hardware (processor etc) like you would a computer.

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