Right here! I was on a little R&R with The Validator. A little get-away-from-it-all to live in a tree-house and watch the dea graze 20m away/ Did some kayaking and watch the seals play in the harbour. Bought some yummy flavoured organic goat cheese too. Lots of fun stuff including shakin' the branches.
Oh ... and I took my 7/8 W&B with me for those who are interested, but only used it once in the whole week and only to do a trim, mostly because I forgot to bring my paddle strop with me. Perhaps that was of Freudian intent after having to used it for 5 months straight.
Met a nice couple from Sheffield, England on their honeymoon. Little chance for a convert there though I should think. Guy wears a full beard. Lovely people.
Now I've got a thousand posts to read.