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Thread: i-stubble...Are you serious?

  1. #21
    Member markdfhr's Avatar
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    My two cents.

    First, I might be considered someone who has no business using a straight. I've had problems shaving my whole life. I was never really taught how to shave. Had I run across this product a few months earlier I might have been very interested.

    However, I knew people had tough beards and got around it, so I figured it was just my technique with a cartridge. In fact, I didn't even know what I was doing was not what you would consider wet shaving. I thought I was a wet shaver with a cartridge. After all, the foamy crap comes out wet out of a can.

    I was just searching for a better way and ran across a video of a guy showing how to shave with a DE. I had never seen a DE before. After all, you don't normally talk about shaving with other guys, why should I know what a DE was?

    Then I came across videos of guys shaving with straights and that's when I became intrigued and found Straight Razor Place. It wasn't to follow any fashions, at least not for me. In fact, I didn't actually get a DE until a few weeks ago.

    So there's as many reasons for people starting straights as there are people using them, maybe more. One day, some guy watching the video in this thread may decide that he wants a different way to shave. Anyone interested in watching a video on how to shave at least has the curiosity to want to learn more. That's how a lot of us got here.
    JohnnyCakeDC and jdto like this.

  2. #22
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I just thought it was funny. Didn't plan on a debate. It's cool though. I didn't know it was fashionable. And I'm glad all I have to do is not shave to be in style again.

  3. #23
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Useful tool, by no means a new invention. There are many of these precision grooming tools available. I have a Remmington which I use in conjunction with a straight. I may want to sport a goatee or light beard, but trim around it using a straight. The electronic tool will control the length of the parts I do wish to keep, something a straight can not do.

    OP, I don't think you should hate on this invention, or rather variation of an existing creation. 'Stubble' in the name advertently markets it for control of beards and light beards, not as 'better' alternative to wet shaving.

    Not everyone will understand the desire to have beards or the new 'designer stubble.' Everyone is different. I can't understand why some people want facial piercings. Each to his own.
    HarleyFXST and Grizzley1 like this.

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  5. #24
    Just a guy with free time.
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    OP, I don't think you should hate on this invention, or rather variation of an existing creation.
    Opinion noted.

    I just guess that part about this just being for fun, and how I wasn't really looking for a debate was totally a waste of time. It never ceases to amaze me how something so small (and meant for a shared laugh), can turn into something so obviously not funny. So much, so as to make me regret even trying to share a laugh. Best regards.

  6. #25
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regularjoe View Post
    So much, so as to make me regret even trying to share a laugh.
    I'm open to people trying to share laughs but you need to appreciate that this forum is full of intelligent people who like to debate. Your OP was not qualified being akin to a blanket statement.

    What you also need to appreciate is that this forum is also full of bored people like myself. Seeing an unqualified statement as the OP, I will do anything to procrastinate from the work in front of me.

    Notwithstanding the above, the advert really wasn't that funny, was it.

  7. #26
    Member markdfhr's Avatar
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    I'm glad you posted this. I got a laugh out of it. All I'm saying is but for the grace of God go I. I could easily be someone using this contraption thinking I got a good deal out of it.

    I try to laugh at myself more and that's probably who I'm laughing at in this video.

    Happy New Year to you, my fine gentleman.


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    regularjoe (01-01-2012)

  9. #27
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post

    Just think about it for a second - why do men shave? It's because the current fashion for men is to be clean shaven, but that's not always been the case.
    So, why is it surprising that when the fashion changes to having a stubble, there's a market of tools?

    The truth is that most people on this forum wouldn't be into straight razor shaving had it not become fashionable as of late.
    With all due Respect No Way, Homer, there have always been trimmers, in many different shapes and forms, I've always used straight edge and the double-edged and a trimmer, and this one is just a new one, that looks like it doesn't have a head that comes off so you can trim around the goatee or mustache. I don't think being clean shaven is a new trend at least not around here. When I found this forum I was surprised at how many people didn't know what a double-edged razor was, or a straight edge for that matter. These were just tools that were in the medicine cabinet when I needed to start shaving, and the old man gave me a few tips the same as he did for my brother such as not shaving your nose or forehead, other than that I've used all the tools except for electric razor as they never work oh and let's not forget a good pair of trimming scissors that's where these electric trimmers can save loads of time, you can get everything the length that you want it and then manicure with a scissor and a straight, that is if you wanted perfect which I always have. Just my humble opinion
    regularjoe likes this.

  10. #28
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Here's some historical evidence that fashion on facial hair changes:

    This clean shaven thing is only a 200 year or so old phenomenon (in our western civilization), and not even constant over that period either. Just think for a second that facial hair has been a requirement for religious office for thousands of years, and those have been among the most powerful offices during that time. I'd say from a historical point of view beards win by huge landslide.

  11. #29
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Here's some historical evidence that fashion on facial hair changes:

    This clean shaven thing is only a 200 year or so old phenomenon (in our western civilization), and not even constant over that period either. Just think for a second that facial hair has been a requirement for religious office for thousands of years, and those have been among the most powerful offices during that time. I'd say from a historical point of view beards win by huge landslide.
    First let me say, that a couple of hundred years is not what most people consider recent, yes facial hair changes and so does the equipment. The trimmer that started this post is just a new twist on an old idea as far as rabbis having beards, I have'nt been around for 1000 years so I don't know if they've always been clean shaven or always had a beard, but I have met some that don't have any beards, I've also seen some that don't even own Combs. As far as keeping your facial hair looking good there will always be somebody making something that has a new twist on an old idea to make money, but since the straight razor has been around the longest, I'm sure that people have been using them for as long as they've been around, right now they are trendy and with the Internet we are finding out just how many people have been using them all along as well as those who are just finding out about them. Actually I was quite surprised when I learned how many people didn't know what a double edge was, I thought that was just common knowledge, but depending on how far you want to go back, there has been many different fashionable hairstyles on the mugs of men, some, if you look at really old pictures are very funny and probably won't come back, others will come and go. As for stubble it may look good on some of these young models, but I've been with enough women to know that they don't like the way it feels depending on where it is put on them. Just my humble opinion.
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  12. #30
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    as far as rabbis having beards, I have'nt been around for 1000 years so I don't know if they've always been clean shaven or always had a beard, but I have met some that don't have any beards, I've also seen some that don't even own Combs.
    That's pretty easy to establish from historical documents, though in the case of the rabbis it's even simpler - Shaving in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    People have made art and in particular images of their contemporaries for almost as long as they've been people, so we have plenty of evidence how facial hair has been changing throughout the last thousands of years.

    My problem is when people take something as superficial and fleeting as shaving or fashion and make a big deal out of it, as though there's some sort of an absolute to it.

    As far as ladies go, I'd submit that your sample as large as it may be isn't representative for the general population, or at the very least is not representative of the current state of the matter. I've experienced quite a bit of variety in their preferences, but then I'm more of an empiricist and don't mind experimentation

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