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Thread: Are you "Furious".

  1. #91
    Cutthroat Patriot MasterMason03's Avatar
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    The factors involved with the current financial mess we are in include the Housing Bubble do not forget. You talk about banks behaving badly. The whole mess in the housing market was brought on by the progressive entitlement mentality that everyone should own a home and no one should rent. So back in the Clinton era, they in acted policies that forced lenders to sell these subprime mortgages to individuals that could not in no way afford them. So saddled with all of this toxic subprime mortgage paper, well you know what happened. The bubble broke and the real estate market is yet to recover.
    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."
    Thomas Jefferson, Paris, November 13th 1787

  2. #92
    Cutthroat Patriot MasterMason03's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by MasterMason03
    So whose darn opinion matters?
    Originally Posted by spazola

    Apparently your opinion and the opinions you agree with matter, that is all.

    This thread makes me furious.

    I am neither Left not Right, I form my own opinions on issues.

    Partisan politics sucks, neither party or ideology has a monopoly on good ideas.
    I never said that my opinion is the only one that matters. Opinions are like a@&holes, everyone has one. LOL.

    Why does it make you furious? Is not a forum like not the perfect place for like minded and unlike minded people to get together and discuss the issues without the perception that people getting their toes stepped on.

    I am not a hardcore right-winger. I have positions that cross the gamut of politics, religion, and science. I happen to be a Christian who believes in creation and evolution. Does that make me sound like someone who rides the right-wing.

    Politics does suck but is does not mean we cannot have a healthy debate about it.

    In the spirit of decorum, I myself as a gentleman will graciously and humbly go one to better things. By the way, everyone should checkout my new to me Brossard razor I just got in the mail.

    Last edited by MasterMason03; 06-23-2012 at 11:35 PM.
    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."
    Thomas Jefferson, Paris, November 13th 1787

  3. #93
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    The economic problems in Europe and the US weren't cause by either a right or left wing philosophy . They were cause by Greed. The Greed of the Bankers and Insurance Co. And the Greed of the Politicians who, for what ever reason, allowed them to get away with it. .
    No, it was caused by the Democrats. Study up on the Community Reinvestment Act.

  4. #94
    xuz is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by spazola View Post
    Partisan politics sucks, neither party or ideology has a monopoly on good ideas.
    I agree.
    The vote by the panel that split so clearly down the party line was deeply saddening.
    Holder contempt motion passes panel in party line vote - The Hill's Video

    It is also saddening to see that the actual perpetrator(s) of Agent Terry has not been captured.
    Officials say three illegal immigrants arrested when Terry was gunned down could not be connected to the crime and were returned to Mexico. A fourth person is being held, but isn't charged in the murder.
    AK47s vs. bean bags in border drug wars - CBS News

    We had a United States officer spill his blood 11 miles into our border, and we can't even give the man's family the justice they deserve.
    I'm all for seeking opportunities in the land of milk and honey, but I find the idea that someone would dare walk into our soil with AK-47 in hand and ready to gun down our boys in cold blood extremely infuriating.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
    The factors involved with the current financial mess we are in include the Housing Bubble do not forget. You talk about banks behaving badly. The whole mess in the housing market was brought on by the progressive entitlement mentality that everyone should own a home and no one should rent. So back in the Clinton era, they in acted policies that forced lenders to sell these subprime mortgages to individuals that could not in no way afford them. So saddled with all of this toxic subprime mortgage paper, well you know what happened. The bubble broke and the real estate market is yet to recover.
    Dude!!! You have NO idea what you are talking about! None!! That it rolls off your keyboard as fact kills me! Who on Earth is feeding you that utter and complete...

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
    I never said that my opinion is the only one that matters. Opinions are like a@&holes, everyone has one. LOL.

    Why does it make you furious? Is not a forum like not the perfect place for like minded and unlike minded people to get together and discuss the issues without the perception that people getting their toes stepped on.

    I am not a hardcore right-winger. I have positions that cross the gamut of politics, religion, and science. I happen to be a Christian who believes in creation and evolution. Does that make me sound like someone who rides the right-wing.

    Politics does suck but is does not mean we cannot have a healthy debate about it.

    In the spirit of decorum, I myself as a gentleman will graciously and humbly go one to better things. By the way, everyone should checkout my new to me Brossard razor I just got in the mail.


    Well yes - you kind of come across as a republican zealot... Blaming Clinton for the housing bubble lol!

    Debate is great but it's kind of hard to have a debate when one is always trying to educate another on the facts. Fact's seemingly are open to interpretation by you and hence yes you do come across as a bit of a zealot - I guess I do too to you as well, but dang bro - again you type things out as fact and for those who know better...

  6. #96
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    Facts do not support this statement.

    Most defaults resulted from private mortgage sources not public.
    Most were in suburbs away from inner city.
    Only small percentage of defaults were from CRA sourced mortgages.
    FNMA and Freddie Mac got into the "game" late.

    Mr Crotalus should study up on this more fully.

  7. #97
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeBois View Post
    Facts do not support this statement.

    Most defaults resulted from private mortgage sources not public.
    Most were in suburbs away from inner city.
    Only small percentage of defaults were from CRA sourced mortgages.
    FNMA and Freddie Mac got into the "game" late.

    Mr Crotalus should study up on this more fully.
    Now why should he do that? He uses the usual right wing tactic they have been programmed to use. Disregard the facts, manipulate the facts, change history and just go on the attack with that. When met with facts they can't handle drop the subject and re-attack with a new line.

    These poor folks just can't help themselves.

  8. #98
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
    There has been no ruling on F&F yet but to go back and state fact on the precedent that is very applicable to this case I refer to the courts action on the use of EP in the 2004 case of GW invoking EP in regard to Clinton era activities.
    Uhm, sorry to break it to you, but it doesn't. If you read through the end that FoxNews article that Crotalus posted, you will see the argument how that precedent does NOT apply to the current case. The only times that article mentions the opposite it is just quoting some conservative figure's declaration without explaining how it is the same. The only time there is an argument comparing the two cases directly it concludes that they are NOT equivalent.

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by gugi
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
    Democrats are consummate professionals in the art of "Do as I say, not as I do". They are the ones who think they are so vastly superior to everyday Americans as to their desire to control every aspect of our lives.
    Please provide specific evidence backing these statements. Do not forget the evidence that this is limited to only Democrats and other parties do not engage in this.
    My evidence on this is clear. All I have to do is to invoke the name Albert Gore. He has spent his life since the 2000 election pushing his climate change snake oil down our throats when his own home uses 21 times the amount of energy that the average American household uses. He justifies it by saying he purchases carbon offsets from a company that he is a 40% shareholder in. He demands that we conserve but yet he does not practice what he preaches.
    I notice a pattern of not reading through and through. You failed to provide more than one name as well as to address the part I now highlighted in red.

    Simply throwing declaration after declaration is doing more harm than good to your credibility and the causes you're defending. These are not arguments, it's an elementary school level shouting of the type "It is so, because I say it is, I said it first, I said it the most, and I said it the loudest".

  9. #99
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Well yes - you kind of come across as a republican zealot... Blaming Clinton for the housing bubble lol!
    Clinton IS responsible for the Housing Bubble. I told you to research the Community Reinvestment Act, but as usual you didn't bother to check any facts.

    The CRA was started by Carter, expanded by Clinton and is directly responsible for the housing bubble, and the Derivative mess. It FORCED the banks to make bad loans to people that could not afford them.
    Last edited by Crotalus; 06-24-2012 at 02:13 AM.

  10. #100
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    It FORCED the banks to make bad loans to people that could not afford them.
    Oh, that's a really good one , FORCED!!!
    I can tell you're not a banker, nor have you ever played one on TV Keep up the good work, though, the banks need you!
    ryanjewell likes this.

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