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Thread: Whats your opinion on automatic weapons?

  1. #531
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post

    I'm not making a value judgement here and of course the guy who accosts you may be a nut who just shoots you dead for fun, you never know but the odds are in your favor.

    Just remember there are 2 sides to everything and everything can be spun to say what you want it to say true or not.

    I would agree with your story, maybe 20-30 years ago, but now you have to Multiply in the drug factor

    Even the Drugs are not the same as they were back then, everything is stronger, more addictive and more dangerous... That changes things, in fact IMO it negates all possibility of them being reasoned with or treated like a human being..

    Like I said many posts back, as soon as they pose a threat to me or mine, I will try my best to stop them, how hurt either of us get is totally up to them... Their well being and mine is in their hands...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 07-27-2012 at 04:53 PM.

  2. #532
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by straightrazorheaven View Post
    I like this idea, it makes sense. There has been discussion in the media here about single parent families and how it's imbalanced and not quite right. David Cameron (my choice of PM) wants to make marriage worth more. He believes in "nuclear family" although I haven't ever heard that term before. He is trying to introduce tax breaks for married couples, and to make it pay to hold a family together. Controversial, but it concurs with your idea of the reason things can go wrong. Regarding "PC-ness" if it's a spade ... call it a spade
    There are many reasons for the breakdown of the Nuclear Family and most of them are not PC.

    Rewarding single mothers by giving them larger and larger welfare payments for continuing to pump out babies. Not being serious about going after the fathers for child support. We have to protect the kids somehow, but there has to be a way to break this cycle.

    Hollywood glorifying the gay lifestyle and propounding the notion that being gay is just a choice and carries no consequences.

    The liberalizing of our school system, removing corporal punishment, removing prayer from school, removing the pledge, giving kids a free pass just to get rid of them.

    I know I will get slammed for all of the above. Bring it on if you must.

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  4. #533
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    It's absolutely PC. Whether the mother stays at home or the father stays at home, one parent needs to stay at home, take care of the household and raise the children. However, you won't be able to bring that about without swinging a little left, and that ain't happenin' in the good ol' US of A where the hard right is seen as "communists" by the even harder right and there are no other choices.
    I was lucky. I had my own business when my kids were small. I had day care as a backup if I needed to do service calls, but for the most part I was able to pick up the kids from school, tend to their needs, etc.

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  6. #534
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    I'm more interested why ordinary people choose violence and others do not. Ordinary, nice and decent people who in the next moment tell that they are happy to shoot a bad guy.
    There is nothing unusual about doing unto other before they are able to do unto you. It's called self defense.

    At least it's not a preemptive strike.

  7. #535
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    The absense of guns will, imo, lessen the risk of any life getting lost in that scenario.
    Oh sure, he could use a knife, a vase or any number of other household items to obtain that, but the crux of the matter is, gun presence add to mortality rates , no question about that, imo.

    An armed society is a polite society is often used as a catch phrase for gun ownership.
    The firearm in the hands of a homeowner increases the mortality rate of the bad guys. I don't have a problem with that. Why should I have to defend myself with fists? I'd probably have a heart attack afterwards anyway.

    What's wrong with being more polite whatever the reason? Rude people are the sign of a sick society, sick at its roots.

    IMO Paparazzi are the sign of a very sick society. A punch in the snoot is too good for them.

  8. #536
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well gents it has been a slice but I am outa here. Lots of interesting thoughts if you are of a mind to contemplate them. Hope you don't get indigestion if you do.


  9. #537
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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  11. #538
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    First as many have already said ,It was'nt an automatic wepon,second,as I might have missed a post or two, secondly there are many leagly owned machine guns,and there has NEVER been a crime commited with one.You are being brainwashed my friend.I've owned guns all my life and never harmed anyone,however,having a pistol with me has saved my life more than once.

  12. #539
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    First as many have already said ,It was'nt an automatic wepon,second,as I might have missed a post or two, secondly there are many leagly owned machine guns,and there has NEVER been a crime commited with one.You are being brainwashed my friend.I've owned guns all my life and never harmed anyone,however,having a pistol with me has saved my life more than once.
    I agree.

    ALL the blowback about AUTOMATIC weaponry brings to my mind the old saying that "There are none so blind as those that will not see."

    I had an old buddy that was pretty blunt with his words. One day he and another old boy got into a heated discussion very similar to the one going on here. When all was said and done, my buddy Robert told the guy that wanted guns confiscated this; "Well, I'll tell ya right here and now, when they get all of our guns, I'm gonna come visit you with a pipe wrench. I'm gonna bust your damned head wide open with it JUST to prove the point that ANYTHING can be a deadly weapon."
    MickR, Grizzley1 and Costabro like this.

  13. #540
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    I agree.

    ALL the blowback about AUTOMATIC weaponry brings to my mind the old saying that "There are none so blind as those that will not see."

    I had an old buddy that was pretty blunt with his words. One day he and another old boy got into a heated discussion very similar to the one going on here. When all was said and done, my buddy Robert told the guy that wanted guns confiscated this; "Well, I'll tell ya right here and now, when they get all of our guns, I'm gonna come visit you with a pipe wrench. I'm gonna bust your damned head wide open with it JUST to prove the point that ANYTHING can be a deadly weapon."

    Wully, you missed one point, first you would have to paint the pipe wrench black, this way the media can call it an assault wrench. By the way this works for pretty much anything, paint your hammer black and voilą, an assault hammer review go about this all day, but at the end of that day, it was a nut with a weapon, he could've done even more damage if he had a vest of explosives on him. It would be a lot more damage and people would be screaming that it was too easy for him to get the chemicals or better yet the knowledge. I watched a news show where they said that kids can get the recipe to make meth on the Internet, I couldn't believe it when I heard it. So I went to the computer asked me for a recipe to make meth and that took me straight to the DEA website, as did all the other links I tried. What does this have to do with what were talking about? I will tell you, you can't believe everything you hear, especially on the big three news stations. And one last thing. Remember, there are millions of guns out there and millions of gun owners something as terrible as this happens only once in a while, although it's starting to happen more often and that lies with the mentality of the nut with the gun.
    MickR and Wullie like this.

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