I was out mending some fence today and it’s been brutal hot here and as I came in my buddy Mr L was having a cold one. I said it’s as hot as hell out there. He said now wait a minute, you have no idea. So I said well how high do you have the thermostat turned up down there. He said if I put that in this forum one of those pesky moderators will probably ban me for life and that’s a very long time for me. Besides, he said, why are you concerned? Thinking of taking a trip? I know quite a few of you guys on that forum are going to be visiting me real soon.

Well, later I asked his buddy Mr Death who comes by now and then to report to the boss if he knew the answer. He said, shucks, I don’t go that far down these days. I used to but I got tired of burning my cloak and losing the temper of my Scythe. Besides he has his short timers doing the meet and greets. I understand he has turned the heat up more recently.

Since we have a bunch of bright guys here I thought someone would have the answer to this question.

I mean we hear about fire and brimstone and all that but just how hot is that. I mean how hot does it have to be. Maybe like the surface of the Sun or is that too hot?

Of course I’m not worried about that being my final destination however for the guys who will be headed that way I’m sure if they knew the answer they would have their minds set at ease or at least know what they are in for.