This being a community of — let's face it — odd gents that seem to value DIY over anything else, I thought I might ask if you service your own car.
Some months ago I had a nice opportunity to sell my 1992 Peugeot 205 for a very nice and very cheap low mileage Mercedes W123 240D. The car had some work to be done (fixing some rust issues and other small things) and I decided that this might be an opportunity to learn a new skill and save money while I'm at it. I never serviced my Peugeot, I just took it to the mechanic and had him do it for me. It was cheap but not cheap enough. Plus, spare parts were more expensive for the Peugeot than for the Mercedes. Go figure!
So I started doing my own maintenance. Oil and filter changes mostly. But I reckon that this is the easy bit... I want to go further: adjust valves, change brake pads, callipers and rotors, change old gaskets and fiz some issues that all old cars have. There's a steep learning curve for this hobby, let me tell you! (I did an oil change a few days ago and made a complete dog's breakfast of it! I had to call the mechanic to come and help me out and fix the mess I had done... We had a few laughs!)
So... who does their own services and how far do you go? Do you stick to filter and fluid changes or do you rebuild your own engine? If you're a professional mechanic, well... it doesn't count!