Hey guys-

So I just got done my first ever flight lesson. My brother bought me an hour lesson in a small diamond 20 for my birthday- great gift. This was only the second time I'd been in a small plane (I jumped out of the other I was in!! Skydiving of course!). And I have to say, it was exhilarating, fun, and very fulfilling. I was not as nervous as I'd though I'd be, and my instructor let me do about 90 to 95% of the flying. I 'helped' him take off, I flew pretty much the whole time in the air, then he took over the controls at about 50 ft after I approached the runway. Needless to say, i was not expecting to fly that much by myself, it was a great surprise!!!

I really only did this as a one time thing, but after realizing how much fun it is, I may look into getting my license in the distant future (when I have more money, hopefully millions ). So has anyone else been flying and gotten hooked? Or any one and dones? I must say, it is fun stuff!!!