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Thread: Freedom of choice and the Law
12-19-2006, 12:54 AM #41
12-19-2006, 12:59 AM #42
BTW make sure to put your children to death if they speak back to you, it's ordained in the same chapter of Leviticus as that in which they condem homosexuality.
12-19-2006, 01:01 AM #43
12-19-2006, 01:21 AM #44
beg all you want. It's still a fact. Overpopulation is another danger to the survival of a species but that's not what we're talking about .
That's because at that time the Earth wasn't all that populated and nobles needed men to work their lands and fight in their wars. That is why older religions are in almost every case all about reproduction and against anything that will hinder it.
But if the religious institutions are too rigid in "preserving the traditional values" they don't respond to real changes in conditions (like aids and overpopulation) and instead of being in a symbiotic relationship, they become a cancer afflicting their believers.
So according to you, if a heterosexual couple decided to get married and not have children (have the husband get vasectomy) that marriage should not be legal?
"Biological design" is the general design of the species. It has nothing to do with artifical alterations to that design. The general biological design of our species requires a male and a female to reproduce.
12-19-2006, 01:31 AM #45
he probably is quoting from the same source that you were using.
12-19-2006, 01:59 AM #46
Prove evolution. You can't. no one can. We see evidence of "adaptation" and call that evolution. I've had the greatest science minds in KSU admit to me that evolution cannot be proven. It's just been promoted so much that everyone accepts it as "fact" and "law". The only thing evolutionary scientists will refuse to budge on is whether or not the world was "created". Even the very core of the theory of "evolution" is available for change, just don't throw in intelligent design. Bottom line is they're both theories and they both have "evidence" that "suggests" the truth of each.
But we digress again. We're not talking about evolution or creationism here, we're talking about freedoms, laws, gay marriage and why gay marriage isn't a simple issue.
Procreation isn't about survival of the individual, it's about survival of the species,
if some people can't/won't procreate due to their genetic programming then that's, very brutally put, nature's way of saying/deciding that they weren't meant to be and their genetic line dies out. (Not trying to be offensive here, it's just reality that nature in its randomness condems certain individual genetic lines, for example people born sterile)
2) You're absolutely right. If you want to bone someone within the same gender, you're not going to get a baby. Science helps circumvent this to some degree but again, my point is survival of the species.
And He came down from the heavens and told you that personally or did he upload a video to youtube that I might have missed?
Study any major ancient religion. Not all of them specifically address homosexuality but many of them do. While the wording may be a little hard to understand, it's there.
Before I switched my major to computer science I was a world religion major at YSU and my opinion of what has historically ben considered offensive to "GOD" comes largely from this time in my life. My wording quite clearly should have conveyed even to the most average of people that it was a historical inference. If it didn't then I guess I've pretty much failed to make my points at all.
That's because morals on a society's level is determined by general consensus, not by an individual,
pedofiles think it's morally right to sleep with children,
2)and they've all come to your door and told you this personally? Sorry, but paybacks I guess. There may well be some who think that but generally most know it's immoral and wrong according to the psych professors at KSU.
Furthermore, you still have the right to your own views and moral stance in your own house and own decisions, ........Gay marriage does not conflict with your rights to teach children religion at all.
3) Nobody forces you to 'accept' anything,
you still get the right to politely voice your opinion and give notice to your representaties who make up the laws that regulate your society.
You just don't get to act on convictions anymore, these aren't the dark ages, witch burning is over.
2) You're the onlyone talking about witches and burning. stick to refuting my post. don't insinuate anything I haven't said or suggest things into my conversation.
Nature's preferred way of procreation is females getting impregnated by as many possible men as possible to create multiple genetic lines
2) I'm a hetero male of 29 but I'm in love with a woman that's 10 years older than me, naturally speaking that's not very good, since that will more or less eliminate my chances of procreation if I don't get a lucky break. Should I have the luck and happiness to be allowed to start a relationship with this woman, whom I love, would you find me immoral? If not, what's the beef with homosexuals, sometimes you really can't help who makes you smile.
again we're talking general biological design versus individual choice.
Please don't take offense at anything I post. Well, except the insults. I can understand being offended by insults. But hey, open the door or even give me the understanding that you're insulting me and I'll return the favor .
I enjoy good debate. Thank you for your view points.Last edited by Flanny; 12-19-2006 at 02:07 AM.
12-19-2006, 03:28 AM #47
Still it's the most likely theory so far, we just haven't been dropped here by some huge hand; have we?
I prefer the term 'reproduction' It's less religious and more to the point. No one said anything about survival of the individual that I'm aware of.
1) the genetic programming still isn't truly proven by the stringent scientific standards though some would try to argue otherwise
2) You're absolutely right. If you want to bone someone within the same gender, you're not going to get a baby. Science helps circumvent this to some degree but again, my point is survival of the species.
And you're being stupid just because you are, or do you just think it's funny? No need for insults. I do honestly try to avoid them unless I feel one has been directed at me and I feel you're just intentionally being insulting here, probably because you think it's funny.
I find it funny how you'd react on evolution but just believe/presume that everyone should just accept the existence of a deity, let alone "God" (which is the christian representation of the highest power) without hesitation. All we truly know is that times ago books were written by human beings, upon those books religions grew and faiths were based, whom themselves were once again enforced(soft or hard) by other human beings during centuries to follow.
That's correct, and certainly not by 0.5 percent of the population either. But again, we're not getting the entire point here. I have contrasted the "religious rights" in my post here. You're only helping to prove my point. Gay marriage isn't a simple issue. It's very complex.
1) You're comparing illegal behavior with legal behavior? apples and oranges. Homosexuality and pedophilia are NOT comparible. Don't insult the homosexuals like that.
2)and they've all come to your door and told you this personally? Sorry, but paybacks I guess. There may well be some who think that but generally most know it's immoral and wrong according to the psych professors at KSU.
bullsh**! Political activists have ensured that homosexuality training is prominent in many schools. Major corporations are caving to the political pressure and requiring sensitivity training. Many churches in the u.s. have already faced lawsuits for preaching against homosexuality, some of them losing in the initial court case and winning only on appeal. There is a strong and active movement alive today to try to bypass any and every parent who choose to teach their children politically incorrect morals.
assertations but ok, here goes .
see above
yea, try expressing such a disagreement on a talk show or some other public arena. Public pressure has made it so that even those who agree with you in the crowd will boo with those who are so eager to be politically correct that you'll never get your opinion voiced. Just look at the responses my post generated. SOOO MANY are so eager to jump on the politically correct band wagon and show the world they're sensitive to gay marriage that making snide insults is funny.
1) and there in I lose my rights to freedom of religion and thus we're back to the same old point. Gay marriage is NOT a simple issue. You're taking away my rights to further your own and therefore violating your own arguments about morality, etc.
2) You're the onlyone talking about witches and burning. stick to refuting my post. don't insinuate anything I haven't said or suggest things into my conversation.
you're way off base here dude. MANY species will chose a mate for life. Not all granted. check out ducks for one. Go to the library for others . Natures way (and there are always SOME exceptions) is generally asexual reproduction and heterosexual reproduction.
so have children before she hits 50 .
again we're talking general biological design versus individual choice.
12-19-2006, 06:33 AM #48beg all you want. It's still a fact. Overpopulation is another danger to the survival of a species but that's not what we're talking about .
This is news to me. Which source has come up with this? It may be a theory but it's certainly not proven. Religion, however, has been shown to be older than governments and governing systems that would advent "nobles" and societal manipulation in such a manner as you've suggested.
"Biological design" is the general design of the species. It has nothing to do with artifical alterations to that design. The general biological design of our species requires a male and a female to reproduce.
12-19-2006, 06:38 AM #49
A very clever choice Scott. It really is difficult to be consistent on those two.
I have always believed that we should be free of government interference so long as nobody gets harmed (including society). Your right to swing you arm stops at the tip of my nose. That's what true libertarianism means, and it includes not legislating morals, which should come from the home, church etc.
But the other side of the coin is responsibility. You need to be prepared to pay for any harm you do.
This is all the easy part, because the real test of libertarianism is how you use prior restraint. At what point does free speech become harmful to the point of being prevented?
The gun and drug issues tend to be a loaded deck, because there is a specific Constitutional right related to bearing arms and none to use drugs. A more balanced comparison might be your opinion regarding right-to-life and the death penalty.
12-19-2006, 06:56 AM #50
I believe that the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist is the belief in society's right to prevent harm.
Some of your examples are on the edge. Like giving employers the right to fire you on a whim can be very destructive of society, and it eventually gets to the point where the employers own us all. The worst part is if they have that right you don't even have a right to sue them if they destroy you on a whim. Another example is that employers also get the right to practice extreme racism, since they can act at whim. So, to protect all your freedoms you can't put unlimited power in one place.