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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by drsch3 View Post
    Opps, just read the thread. Up to speed now.......
    Well, I'm not. I know the 2nd Amendment forum ended badly, but I don't remember Lord Lerch and Wild Bill walking off the set for good.

    This is a calamity.

    Was there some other thread?

  2. #22
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    This is really a shame - in my brief time here, I've learned much from both of these guys.

    I think there's a lesson to be learned about starting overtly political threads on sites like this.

    Its almost never the shaving-related threads that end this way, but the ones people start to spice things up. I have no idea what went on as I deliberately avoid political threads for this very reason. I've got no problem with debate or other's views, but its so easy for these sorts of things to go off the rails.

    I've been on other fora relating to specific interests and have seen the same thing happen before.

    I hope that Bill and Joe decide to participate on the forum again, but respect their decisions - regardless of whether we hear from them again.

  3. #23
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I believe there was a thread where Bill stated he was off the forum. Joe took some heat for his involvement in the thread and didn't like the level of heat he was taking. Both of them contributed a lot to the forum, but they were the ones who decided to leave. Polite requests from quite a few of us did not work. Begging, other than being pitiful and humiliating for the community either does not work or works for a price too high for us. Therefore, I think that thread would be a terrible idea.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    I believe there was a thread where Bill stated he was off the forum.
    Something like, 'if I can't change the channel I'm gonna turn off the TV'? Was that it?

  5. #25
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I can't find where he said he was leaving (might have been deleted), but then he withdrew himself, withdrew quite a few pics he had links to and edited quite a few posts to say "Yesterday was the best day to find another something to do..."

  6. #26
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I've been around the net since it was called arpanet (I've still got a working Symbolics computer at the house - was the very first .COM domain ever registered). Once you've participated in your hundredth flamewar you start to realize there's no point in arguing because neither side will ever change their mind, and once you've read your thousandth flamewar you realize that there aren't any interesting insults anymore, and the whole thing is just kinda boring, like watching your thousandth slow-motion train wreck.

    Back in my day the topic was usually text editors or programming languages, but it doesn't really matter, they're still all minor variations on the theme.

  7. #27
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    That seems true mparker.

    I think there should be a virtual taboo on political topics here. I say that while fully acknowledging that I participated in that guns forum as much as anyone.

    But a site that brings together conservatives, liberals, libertarians, Europeans, Americans Canadians soldiers lawyers knife makers college professors prison guards bohemians barbers actors and computer programmers etc. etc. –

    –into real comraderie–

    is pretty rare. And it seems like politics is the nitroglycerin in the mix. Let's avoid it.

  8. #28
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762 View Post
    Back in my day the topic was usually text editors or programming languages, but it doesn't really matter, they're still all minor variations on the theme.
    Well I vote that we settle the vi vs emacs debate once and for all.
    vi is clearly superior, as are its users.

    No offense. I just couldn't resist this one. I couldn't care less who uses what, as long as everyone follows the syntax guidelines.
    Spaces vs tabs. Now there is a topic.

    ESC : wq

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Well I vote that we settle the vi vs emacs debate once and for all.
    vi is clearly superior, as are its users.
    VI users are clearly delusional is what they are. I never could figure out how they could be so mentally retarded as to fail to grasp the innate superiority of ctrl-alt-meta-cokebottle commands over modal editing.


    (who still thinks GNU Emacs was a ripoff of EINE (Eine Is Not Emacs), thinks emacs editors peaked at ZWEI (Zwei Was Eine Initially) (even though he himself uses Epsilon), and whose days on the lisp machines has left him entirely too comfortable with nested parentheses).

  10. #30
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Spaces vs tabs. Now there is a topic.

    ESC : wq
    Oh yeah!!! Well was that in Octal or Hex? The first computer I did any serious programming on used a 48-bit word, so there! No wonder I'm so confused these days

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