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  1. #51
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    Thx Nenad,

    Camelia was the name I was looking for.

    And Ilja, there are few more (sub-)tropical drinks, that combined with any spirit, give you the same sensation.

    Eeehm, how about coffee with whiskey, cognac or Metaxa? Just to name a few

  2. #52
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    I remember when I had a snow-shovelling job on campus in North Ontario... I'd have to get up at 7 shovel snow for both wings of the Thorneloe College (a part of Laurentian University), residence and academic. That amounted to 6-7 doors plus a long driveway, before 8am. The temperatures went down below -45 and since T-lo was at the top of the hill, the wind was horrible. I'd always want to bring a thermos full of hot rosehip tea and some Sljivovica (*) to keep me warm, but I'd end up forgetting the tea.

    (*) Sljivovica - Brandy made out of distilled plums. Home-made variety is 100-140 proof on average (50-70% alcohol), and this stuff was distilled by an old Bosnian dude who made it extra-strong. On a good note it kept me warm and good enough to finish the job every morning

  3. #53
    Senior Member superfly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinda View Post

    Eeehm, how about coffee with whiskey, cognac or Metaxa? Just to name a few
    I love the Metaxa, but only above the 7 or 9 stars mark. Below that tis no good...


    p.s. I love good Sljivovica too, but only if it's "prepecenica" )double distilled)... My dad makes a darn good one

  4. #54
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    Going down Memory Lane:

    I remember one time I went shore-fishing on the Nieuwe Waterweg near Rotterdam with two friends of mine in winter. It was windy, as always in winter by the sea and freezing cold (for dutch standards, that is Ilja, no -45 ). I was wearing my longjonhs and my thermo-shirt. The last layer of clothing were my thermo-pants, a sort of ski-jumper.

    In my luggage I had a plenty amount of bread, hot coffee, a Thermoscan full of mother's soup and half a liter of Hennesy cognac. It all kept me warm during a more than boring day, for I hate sea-fishing.
    I was a flyfisherman actually who had promised to come along with my fly-fishing mates. They had a great time.

    My great time came later that afternoon, when the three of us were defrosting over a big plate of french fries and steak, in the tavern near the Nieuwe Waterweg.

    (Hmmm sljivovica, we call it slibovietsj, tastes the same though....great!)
    Last edited by Pinda; 01-21-2007 at 09:02 AM.

  5. #55
    Senior Member Olav Vittfarne's Avatar
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    Fermented mare´s milk, guys, fermented mare's milk.


  6. #56
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    If anyone feels like a chat..I'm in the chatroom at this moment.

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