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  1. #11
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    It's a conspiracy. They make you tune out or mumble stuff on purpose, so they can slip stuff by you like that $2000 dress or the fur coat or that weekend visiting her parents. You can do the same by talking about your razors until she starts tuning out and you slip that 7-day Robert Williams set by her
    Trust me, my subconcious will let me know when the words "$2000" are uttered, no matter how much I've tuned her out.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    My wife doesnt understand why I like to buy stuff. She doesnt spend money on much of anything, hardly buys new clothes, she never wants jewelry, and refuses to spend money on anything that isnt related to her cooking or baking, or occassionally something to help her clean. I on the other hand love gun stuff, have a jacket and boot fettish, and razors and soaps and creams oh my! If she spent some money once in a while at least I could say "oh ya...well you bought last month, so dont talk to me about spending money!" Instead I just slink away and play with my new toy in the other room lol

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    You don't understand. She's saving money for you to spend! She just won't admit it because she doesn't want it to be too obvious!!

  4. #14
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    My wife doesn't understand why I like cutthroat razors. She has a knife phobia, and she calls my razors "knives". We have arguments about this all the time. Our last argument (last night, actually) involved an actual dictionary and thesaurus (no, they weren't being thrown ) and revolved, after consulting both tomes, around issues of intended usage of said implements (I won't bore you with the details). Never a dull moment at our place...

    <This signature intentionally left blank>

  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    My wife doesn't like knives.
    Kitchen knives are fine, but she doesn't want any hunting knives etc around the house. She thinks they are useless, expensive pieces of steel ornament. The most I could get away with is 1 Spyderco folder.

    Since I am not a hunter, and we live far away from rural areas, I can only say 'yes honey' since she does have a point.

    Straights however are just tools. At least to her.
    Recently I had been spending a lot of time with the antique frameback I was restoring, and she didn't mind.
    When I told her I had ordered a norton and Tony's 3 inch honey strop -just after I told her about the wedge I ordered from LX and the DVD and 5/8 full hollow from Lynn- I sort of ducked and waited for the verbal assault.
    None came. She was like 'OK, I'll make sure I check the mail for delivery notices'

    ... ...

    It's like she has decided that razors are not knives but utensils, and as such there is nothing against me indulging in razor paraphernalia.
    This has probably also partly to do with the fact that I am now cleanshaven most of the time, which she likes very much.

    I am still pretty sure she would gut me with the first Mastro livi or Robert Williams that would arrive if I would buy it with our household money though.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Threads like this remind me of why single life does have it's advantages...


  7. #17
    Whisker wacker Shorty's Avatar
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    My wife is very understanding about my interests including razors.

    I have to admit that I do feel a bit guilty because like someone else in the thread said earlier, she rarely buys anything for herself, and I literally have to force her to buy new clothes!

    That said, over the last few weeks she has gone quiet because these large packages from the United States keep being delivered containing all sorts of shaving stuff ..

  8. #18
    Always falling jimmyman's Avatar
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    Default cars and razors

    My wife has been awfully good about indulging me on only two things, classic cars and razors. And I haven't exactly won her over on the straight razor thing yet, she's probably still pissed I went ahead and did it. The classic car I bought and am restoring (with some modern upgrades) has taken 10 months and $14,000 so far - almost done. And not a thing from her about it, but I think that is secretly because she enjoys it as well. But then again, she on a good night out she wears about $9,000 worth of crap on her hands, wrist, ears and neck, so she can't wench about it too much...

  9. #19
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    My wife doesn't pay much attention to my shaving things. I think she thinks its a fad and I will lose interest in it. I don't have a lot of interests but golf and straight razors are here to stay. I also have any packages sent to work and just slip it into my collection.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    My wife doesn't understand why I like cutthroat razors. She has a knife phobia, and she calls my razors "knives". We have arguments about this all the time. Our last argument (last night, actually) involved an actual dictionary and thesaurus (no, they weren't being thrown ) and revolved, after consulting both tomes, around issues of intended usage of said implements (I won't bore you with the details). Never a dull moment at our place...

    My wife has the knife phobia too. She hates it when I buy them. I draw the line at shaving gear though. At the end of the day, she has no business telling me how to shave (other than financial considerations). Just like I don't tell her how to go about her grooming or other girlie stuff. Maybe you should just say "honey, this doesn't involve you" and gently close the bathroom door.


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