Completely agree Razorfed. The amount of work I put into a razor is so very worth every second. Each one now does what it wants when it is in my hands. I know if I chose to move to a more effective path of restoration my time involved would be shaved down to a fraction of what it is now. Choosing to use grinders and sanders would not only decrease my time spent but would also increased the perceived quality of my work. That however is not the path I wish to follow. I enjoy the process of doing each and every step by hand. The feel of the steel and the slight taste it leaves on my tongue. The smells of the woods and the remaining life it has left that is tangible it seams only to my hands. As I work I tend to "fondle" my project often. I caress it and feel it's curves and shape and try to picture what it wants to be. Each person I restore for finds that same passion when they hold the blade for the first time. It makes every second worth while. I am new to art of any kind and still find amazement every time my work is enjoyed by it's intended user. That something I created would create change in someone else. My work is not perfect in any way but it speaks of the passion I attach to every project (and yes the money is nice as well). It is nice to know i am not the only nut bar around that loses himself to the wilds of the creative process.
