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Thread: Why did he waste his time? Scales and Razors.

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    So the rose wood scales with the ivory inlay. There is a brass pin in the middle. Is that a full third pin or is it simply for adornment? What did you use to bond the ivory to the rosewood?
    carrolljc and silverloaf like this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  2. #32
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    The first question. As to the attachment in the photo. It's not. It's a mechanical .5mm pencil shown for scale .
    The attachments used were primarily the Dremel cut off wheels.

    The 3rd pin is only an easier way to terminate the points on the inlays as trying to cut into the wood and leave a super tiny V point is just miserable to try and clean out.
    The inlays are epoxied in place with Devcon.
    rodb, Geezer, Chevhead and 1 others like this.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mycarver For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (05-31-2014), rolodave (05-31-2014)

  4. #33
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more! You do fine enough work...but when well over 90+++% of your posts are in this sub-forum, and only about your threads, never with a 'Thanks' given, even in your own threads, it is easy enough to see that self promotion appears to be your modus operandi. As others in this thread have said more succinctly...

    As Tom says...respectfully,


    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    You do fine work, Mycarver. It does seem that you come here to show off your fine work and garner restoration jobs.
    I feel what Gugi alludes to is the fact you only comment about your work, no one elses. Yes, the workshop thread on unpinning was good, but discussion was shot down as no one can seemingly do what you do.
    Do a favor. Join us! Lets see some likes and thanks. Be an actual contributing member here. It is no contest. Just sharing and discusssing.
    No offense and respectfully,
    Lupus Cohors - Appellant Mors !

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Wolfpack34 For This Useful Post:

    Martin103 (06-01-2014), Neil Miller (06-01-2014)

  6. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mycarver View Post
    The first question. As to the attachment in the photo. It's not. It's a mechanical .5mm pencil shown for scale .
    The attachments used were primarily the Dremel cut off wheels.

    The 3rd pin is only an easier way to terminate the points on the inlays as trying to cut into the wood and leave a super tiny V point is just miserable to try and clean out.
    The inlays are epoxied in place with Devcon.
    So if I understand the is right the third pin then is also epoxied in place. If the "file work" is done with a dremel cut off wheel are you then using a sanding progression to finish it or are there various grits available in the cut off wheels.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  7. #35
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMagnus View Post
    you got some mad skills my man! im sure i will want u to make me something
    Took the words right out of my mouth!
    When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It's difficult only for the others.
    It's the same when you are stupid.

  8. #36
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    Amazing work.

  9. #37
    Member Refuge's Avatar
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    Gorgeous razors!

  10. #38
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    I'll vouche for carver here. I have pm'd him with questions on his work that made me go hmmm; I wonder if this could work? Never fails within a few days he has messaged me back with his thoughts or tips. He may not discuss every detail during a post, but he's a nice guy and pm'ing him gives him time to respond which he has with myself. Not starting an argument here just stating my experience with him. Keep pushing the envelope carver.
    Quote Originally Posted by mycarver View Post
    I'm sorry.
    If you feel the post should be deleted please do so. I'll delete it my self if you like.
    Yes, I have learned a lot doing these. I thought there was such a variety of ideas that might be of interest to others. Many may not have been considered and if that's the case then if people arent aware of what can be done , showing what has been done might spur some questions. You can't ask questions how to do something if you haven't seen it done can you?
    If anyone has questions as to how I did these ,,, feel free to ask.

    I've modified a variety of razors as well as restored them. Whether they're Gold Dollars or the others I have done , to me it all boils down to the same thing. How do you work on tempered, finished steel and get it to do what you want it to.
    Seeing new razors made out of untempered steel is one thing. Doing a razor that is finished is another.

    But then again, maybe I do say a lot of stupid things.

    Or maybe my original question was right.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  11. #39
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    You are an artist, MCarver-Just beautiful work there, and thanks for posting it. (Disclaimer: I could give two %^$'s about forum politics either here, or "over there," and frankly, I think most of us fall into that category-we just want to look at razor porn!).f
    Well said! Six or seven years ago, I bought some equipment and tried to develop some restoration skills for my own razors. Nothing impressive, nothing that promised any kind of return (skill-set development, not financial) in any way commensurate with the investment in time or energy required; in short, it was a dead end. However, it added to my appreciation-of and love-for the well-honed skills of others. I don't need to attend a "masters class" in art or music, to appreciate what I see in a gallery or hear in concert; neither do I benefit on an other-than-intellectual level from the technical discussions in SRP's "Workshop" forum -- I appreciate what's written there, but nothing more. Not so, with our "Custom-Builts and Restorations," "Show and Tell," and "Shave Of The Day" forums -- I love to see the craftsmanship of others, the return on their investment, and admire the added-value of their fine photography. Admittedly, I've recently reduced how often I shave and post, but other than a list of the components used and an accompanying photo, I've never added any narrative or descriptive information -- is that wrong? You know it's not. And neither, to this member, is the nature, content, quality, or frequency of mycarver's participation in this forum. I feel no less strongly that the negative discussion in this thread belongs -- if at all -- wholly in PMs, and not in the public realm.
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  12. #40
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcbladescar View Post
    Beautiful work Mycarver

    Just a shameful reception that I almost want to apologize for

    Makes me wonder about posting restorations

    I post restorations and no one has ever said anything to me.
    I also post how I do some things that have not been covered. As a matter of fact about to post a tutorial on something that has not been covered but has been asked a bunch of times.

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