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Thread: Why did he waste his time? Scales and Razors.

  1. #51
    Senior Member JazzWillie's Avatar
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    It seems to me that the issue was made an issue (in this thread at least) in post #4. I know that Mycarver may have alluded to some previous issues some have taken with something he did previously, but I didn't see anything written or pictured that was provocative at all. Who really cares if it was a Gold Dollar he made look amazing. Some of the most amazing custom cars or total restorations I've ever seen were considered lemons. At the time they were junk and someone made them awesome. The whole Gold Dollar thing must have been an issue before I became a member or I just wasn't paying attention, but that nerve should be healed by now. There is also a seeming confusion between a gentlemen's way of dealing with issues. Especially when the attack seems to have started from post #4. A massive part of being a gentleman is being a man. Men handle things in a firm but discreet manner. Granted there may be something bleeding from other threads, but come on leave the dirty laundry in the laundry room. I have heard a great deal on this thread of not giving thanks. Do you think Michelangelo sculpted David for a parade? He did it because he was freaking awesome and he could. Anyone who is talented does something to express that talent. Some make money off it some don't. If OP gets a few more clients off the posting of the pics of his work then so be it. The majority of us in here are just strolling through the gallery. Every time I'm laying brick next to the street I get a passerby asking questions, but no one ever accuses me of being a show off. (If you need brick work in the central Ohio area call.... Someone will get a chuckle from that. I know it.)

  2. #52
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    I am approaching 70 years of age. I have been around the block several times in my time. I have been using, honing and stropping straights for 46+ years. Very few members have the kind of insight I possess. On that basis and with that in mind, I wish to go on record as stating that the attack perpetrated against Mark Yundt [mycarver] by an administrator of this forum and others is an occurrence of the saddest nature.

    We are extremely fortunate to have a member with such unmatched talent who regularly shares the photographic fruits of his long labor. He has been asked several times when does he sleep. I have asked him this question myself. If he doesn't post all of the details of his work, it is because he is too busy accomplishing what he does into the wee hours of the night. He doesn't have time to cater to everyones request for detailed descriptions of his technique. He is far too busy executing that technique.

    He is without a doubt the most prolific craftsman on any forum. I have dealt with him personally and in person. I have seen much of his razor collection and I can tell you from personal experience that none of his detractors can match his prowess in any way, shape or form. The man is without peer. His talent is unmatched in this neighborhood. Get to know him and find out for yourself.

    Again, we are most fortunate to have access to his archives. Eyecandy is a scant term when it refers to Mark's work.

    Again, anyone who would argue with the above has surely never met Mark or dealt with him personally.
    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  3. #53
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone's talent is at issue is it?

    I'm more interested in the OP's statement that he'll "probably be banned". Why do you think that? Genuinely curious.

    Neil Miller and earcutter like this.
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  4. #54
    Senior Member Kristian's Avatar
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    Perhaps Gugi just need a cold bath. I for one finds your razors inspiring. Especially the one with a katana handle. I keep trying to accomplish that myself.

    In time I will succeed. And that is what this forum is about. To get inspired and to better ones skills.

    Everyday new skills are added to the knowledge base.

    As humans we tend to evolve our knowledge when seeing others proving what can be done. It demands great skills to copy mycarvers work, but it can be done.

    And copying it with only pictures, is a great challenge.

    I usually think that my honing skills are great, but then a new razor, a new hone, or something else happens and I have to rethink my methods.

    I usually just ask here, and then someone helps my in the right way. Not by honing my razor, but my giving me the knowledge to do it myself.

    Thanks for your inspiring works mycarver. Don't let Gugi upset you and if you do anyway, then please send my your pictures in a PM instead. I'm looking forward to your next work.

  5. #55
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Though in my area it is nearly 2 AM , my usual time to post, it seems as good a time as any to chime in.
    First , contrary to some popular opinions I wish to say thank you to many who have posted here, sent PMs and the emails.
    As far as Thank Yous go I looked over so many of my past posts looking for THANK YOU'S I have written and each and every post has at least one. If I posted more than than I imagine I'd then be accused of bumping a thread. And once I gave a " now I'm speechless, and dumbfounded" which in translation means I didn' t know what to say in response to a compliment.
    Every post has at LEAST one thank you to a compliment. Go look. You'll see them too.

    Maybe there is a nerve about GD's. My comment, tongue in cheek since I do favor doing restorations, is I'd be run out of town playing with these things as opposed to doing vintage blades. Really, look at what I built. That's not normal but at times the artist in me likes to come out and play. That's my living, art.
    But I was asked to show examples in a thread the various other scales I have built.
    So I posted them. Trust me , there were lots more. But I can't post every razor I build even if it's not a plaything.

    I have read that I don't post enough of how I did it. Yet at the same time I have read to "post things that haven't been done before. Don't tell us "Sand on the X plane then on the Y ....."
    OK, I won't. Because that's exactly what I do.
    Looking for a short cut? Don't want to hear about sanding but think there is some Magical Pro Tool I have that i can just wave a razor in front of and Presto,, it's restored?
    My magical PRO TOOLS are rather esoteric . It's called Sandpaper.

    To get the final shine? More esoteric tools. It's a buffer with rouge on it.
    Want me to tell you you'll get the same results using a Tumbler,, or go straight to a buffer? Some short cut method?
    I'll tell you that but if you expect the same results as the blades I restore I'd just be lying to you. In my PERSONAL estimation those blades come up short. I see it a mile away.
    Want me to lie to you too?

    Maybe I took the title of the Thread too literally. Custom Builts and Restorations..... Show off what you've built.

    I thought it was simply a showcase of razors that have been built for others to see examples of work being done.
    Good , bad , indifferent. Doesn't matter one bit. Show it and spur others on.
    You have questions ,, ASK.

    Truthfully I haven't seen on many posts a detailed explanation from many vendors how they built, restored , whatever, done to the razor they are showing.
    My usual posts are ,,"Cleaned up the blade, refreshed the scales".
    Who wants to read over and over,, sanded with 220 ,, worked up to 600,,, then buffed?
    You want that with each post then I'll post them that way.
    And has each and every vendor posted a tutorial on how they built ,, or restore a razor.
    I have after Glenns request. Took a while considering what has been written because truthfully,, there is nothing new under the sun.
    Everyone seems to think there is a short cut,, a magical tool,, a recipe that is kept secret.
    Trust me,, there are no secrets.
    The same process works whether you are working on wood, metal,, plexi,,Whatever!
    Watch the pros at finishing a car. What do they do? Start with a buffer on rust?
    No,,they sand away the damage. Would a buffer be appropriate? No,, at least not in my opinion. You want shiny rust and pits then by all means go ahead.
    You want my results then you sand,, then buff.
    Finish the paint on that once rusted car what happens. Yes,, it gets sanded ,, then buffed to get a mirror shine.

    Don't put the cart in front of the horse. The results will be a shiny piece of metal,,but not a restored razor IN MY OPINION only. You like that,,, then do it.
    But what happened after my tutorial? I was criticized for posting MY way of doing it. No discussion.
    Well,, it is my way,, I've tried the others, I gave valid reasons in my mind since I have tried them and failed and posted the process that has given me proven results time after time no questions asked. It works.

    Here is another PRO TOOL. Do I use a Dremel? No.
    I burned up 6 in one year. I'm hard on tools.
    What do I use?
    I have three micro motors. They do the same thing.They spin a stone, wheel , polisher etc. Just as a Dremel does.
    But they don't do it themselves.
    As the old adage goes, a craftsman never blames his tools.
    Spend any amount of time in a store,, look around ,, see things and buy them. Play with them and see just what they can do. That's how you learn and discover how to do things.
    I buy dozens of bits just to try them and see what works. Some do some don't. Maye you can get them to work. Try them and see.

    Acrylics. I've spent over $500 buying stuff to play with and spent countless hours experimenting with to toss it in the trash.
    Have you made the first attempt. Or do you want me to just tell you everything I have discovered about working with the stuff.
    Go spend $100 a gallon and play.You're serious about razors,, or building Butterscotch brushes get some. What you find that doesn't work is just as important if not more,, than what does. How do I teach you that?
    I've put in my time.
    Have you tried? Do you really want to?

    Well now it's nearly quarter to three.
    My time is at a premium. I have little of it to spare. That's why my posts are at 2,,,3,,, 4 AM. Because I'm just wrapping up my day after starting at a late 9:00.

    I'm sure this is the same schedule you keep but I find it hard to pour a cup of coffee, sit back for the evening to chat about razors endlessly. I'm in my shop building them,,experimenting,,,trying new things to see what works.
    Are you? I don't have time to talk about razors,, I just build them. That's what teaches me what to do. And how to achieve whatever results I get.
    A brief summary of why I don't have time to post endlessly on any number of threads.
    I'm a self employed custom wood carver. That in itself eats time like you wouldn't believe. Between clients, bidding jobs, emails, specs, drawings , designs,, the day is toast. Weekends? Whats that all about. I truthfully have no idea what day it is.
    In addition to that I have multiple properties that need attention . Grass, maintenence, painting ,, new tenants etc. Real Estate is a business in itself responding to just tenants.
    Now lets add razors to the mix.
    Besides the emails ( 375 in 4 days just for razors not including my other jobs) I have to build them,, photograph them, respond to clients . Build my own? Yeah,, right.
    But I get it done. The expense for this. Well,, I don't get to spend an evening , or a morning chatting about razors over a cup of coffee and contemplating the pros and cons of buffing. Or how to unpin.
    That stuff has been covered ad-nauseum. If the process you are using isn't giving you the results,, stop doing what you are doing. Try something else.
    Look,, there are so few parts and real estate on a razors it's not like you''re rebuilding an engine with hundreds of parts to consider. A blade, scales and a couple of pins. No mystery there. The process of prepping this stuff has been solved in any number of professions as I have said. Automotive,, woodworking,, metal finishing, home repair. The steps are , for the best results always the same. Follow a proven sequence that has been show to work in any of these fields ( again, there is nothing new under the sun) and go for it.
    Find what works for you and just do it. Over and over again. Restoring razors should be boring. You don't have to try and design a new mouse trap every time.
    If it doesn't work ,,, ask. If you don't like the answer,don't shoot the messenger.
    Last edited by mycarver; 06-01-2014 at 07:10 AM.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mycarver For This Useful Post:

    Mark1065 (06-01-2014), Razorfeld (06-01-2014)

  7. #56
    Member razornut's Avatar
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    Gentleman. Gentleman. Chill out. I'm a bumbling. Buffoon. Compared to mycarver. If I ever get that good I think I'd get it tattooed. On my forehead. Iv learned soo much of what's possible just seeing pictures. So I say.... Keep posting pics. Ok I've had my say. Time to do some more bumbling around ;-)
    Using Tapatalk

  8. #57
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Exclamation Why

    Quote Originally Posted by mycarver View Post
    Though in my area it is nearly 2 AM , my usual time to post, it seems as good a time as any to chime in.
    First , contrary to some popular opinions I wish to say thank you to many who have posted here, sent PMs and the emails.
    As far as Thank Yous go I looked over so many of my past posts looking for THANK YOU'S I have written and each and every post has at least one. If I posted more than than I imagine I'd then be accused of bumping a thread. And once I gave a " now I'm speechless, and dumbfounded" which in translation means I didn' t know what to say in response to a compliment.
    Every post has at LEAST one thank you to a compliment. Go look. You'll see them too.

    Maybe there is a nerve about GD's. My comment, tongue in cheek since I do favor doing restorations, is I'd be run out of town playing with these things as opposed to doing vintage blades. Really, look at what I built. That's not normal but at times the artist in me likes to come out and play. That's my living, art.
    But I was asked to show examples in a thread the various other scales I have built.
    So I posted them. Trust me , there were lots more. But I can't post every razor I build even if it's not a plaything.

    I have read that I don't post enough of how I did it. Yet at the same time I have read to "post things that haven't been done before. Don't tell us "Sand on the X plane then on the Y ....."
    OK, I won't. Because that's exactly what I do.
    Looking for a short cut? Don't want to hear about sanding but think there is some Magical Pro Tool I have that i can just wave a razor in front of and Presto,, it's restored?
    My magical PRO TOOLS are rather esoteric . It's called Sandpaper.

    To get the final shine? More esoteric tools. It's a buffer with rouge on it.
    Want me to tell you you'll get the same results using a Tumbler,, or go straight to a buffer? Some short cut method?
    I'll tell you that but if you expect the same results as the blades I restore I'd just be lying to you. In my PERSONAL estimation those blades come up short. I see it a mile away.
    Want me to lie to you too?

    Maybe I took the title of the Thread too literally. Custom Builts and Restorations..... Show off what you've built.

    I thought it was simply a showcase of razors that have been built for others to see examples of work being done.
    Good , bad , indifferent. Doesn't matter one bit. Show it and spur others on.
    You have questions ,, ASK.

    Truthfully I haven't seen on many posts a detailed explanation from many vendors how they built, restored , whatever, done to the razor they are showing.
    My usual posts are ,,"Cleaned up the blade, refreshed the scales".
    Who wants to read over and over,, sanded with 220 ,, worked up to 600,,, then buffed?
    You want that with each post then I'll post them that way.
    And has each and every vendor posted a tutorial on how they built ,, or restore a razor.
    I have after Glenns request. Took a while considering what has been written because truthfully,, there is nothing new under the sun.
    Everyone seems to think there is a short cut,, a magical tool,, a recipe that is kept secret.
    Trust me,, there are no secrets.
    The same process works whether you are working on wood, metal,, plexi,,Whatever!
    Watch the pros at finishing a car. What do they do? Start with a buffer on rust?
    No,,they sand away the damage. Would a buffer be appropriate? No,, at least not in my opinion. You want shiny rust and pits then by all means go ahead.
    You want my results then you sand,, then buff.
    Finish the paint on that once rusted car what happens. Yes,, it gets sanded ,, then buffed to get a mirror shine.

    Don't put the cart in front of the horse. The results will be a shiny piece of metal,,but not a restored razor IN MY OPINION only. You like that,,, then do it.
    But what happened after my tutorial? I was criticized for posting MY way of doing it. No discussion.
    Well,, it is my way,, I've tried the others, I gave valid reasons in my mind since I have tried them and failed and posted the process that has given me proven results time after time no questions asked. It works.

    Here is another PRO TOOL. Do I use a Dremel? No.
    I burned up 6 in one year. I'm hard on tools.
    What do I use?
    I have three micro motors. They do the same thing.They spin a stone, wheel , polisher etc. Just as a Dremel does.
    But they don't do it themselves.
    As the old adage goes, a craftsman never blames his tools.
    Spend any amount of time in a store,, look around ,, see things and buy them. Play with them and see just what they can do. That's how you learn and discover how to do things.
    I buy dozens of bits just to try them and see what works. Some do some don't. Maye you can get them to work. Try them and see.

    Acrylics. I've spent over $500 buying stuff to play with and spent countless hours experimenting with to toss it in the trash.
    Have you made the first attempt. Or do you want me to just tell you everything I have discovered about working with the stuff.
    Go spend $100 a gallon and play.You're serious about razors,, or building Butterscotch brushes get some. What you find that doesn't work is just as important if not more,, than what does. How do I teach you that?
    I've put in my time.
    Have you tried? Do you really want to?

    Well now it's nearly quarter to three.
    My time is at a premium. I have little of it to spare. That's why my posts are at 2,,,3,,, 4 AM. Because I'm just wrapping up my day after starting at a late 9:00.

    I'm sure this is the same schedule you keep but I find it hard to pour a cup of coffee, sit back for the evening to chat about razors endlessly. I'm in my shop building them,,experimenting,,,trying new things to see what works.
    Are you?
    A brief summary of why I don't have time to post endlessly on any number of threads.
    I'm a self employed custom wood carver. That in itself eats time like you wouldn't believe. Between clients, bidding jobs, emails, specs, drawings , designs,, the day is toast. Weekends? Whats that all about. I truthfully have no idea what day it is.
    In addition to that I have multiple properties that need attention . Grass, maintenence, painting ,, new tenants etc. Real Estate is a business in itself responding to just tenants.
    Now lets add razors to the mix.
    Besides the emails ( 375 in 4 days just for razors not including my other jobs) I have to build them,, photograph them, respond to clients . Build my own? Yeah,, right.
    But I get it done. The expense for this. Well,, I don't get to spend an evening , or a morning chatting about razors over a cup of coffee and contemplating the pros and cons of buffing. Or how to unpin. Or how to sand a blade.
    That stuff has been covered ad-nauseum. If the process you are using isn't giving you the results,, stop doing what you are doing. Try something else.
    Find what works for you and just do it. Over and over again.
    If it doesn't work ,,, ask. If you don't like the answer,don't shoot the messenger.

    Please explain to me why mycarver is required to apologize for being ultra talented. My only son is a psychotic paranoid schizophrenic. He is constantly required by society to explain his reason for being. It totally frustrates him. People's ignorance is always the cause of his frustration.

    Then we have mycarver who is being persecuted for simply having talent that cannot be understood by mere mortals. Therefore he must be persecuted by those individuals who are not up to the task of comprehending the existence of a gifted person. There are numerous example of mindless persecution in the annals of history.. I am growing weary of reading about new and improved versions of people being singled out for whatever reason.

    I think it is high time that upper level management puts a stop to this madness. Common sense needs to prevail.
    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  9. #58
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    Thanks Razornut! And you too Jerry, you slipped
    Under my post!

    But as a quick follow up to all the bluster over nothing is this.

    Look what were challenged to do. Clean up an old razor.

    Here's the real challenge. Ready?

    What did the guys back around 1800 do to build these things? Run to the Home Depot or Lowes for a Dremel? Pick up a few packs of sandpaper, bench grinder , cloth buff and some compounds?

    I don't think so.Maybe I'm wrong. But look what we have available to us. And what's the excuse. Somebody isn't telling me how to do something.

    Who told them? Nobody. They just did it because they wanted to do it. That's it plain and simple.

    Yet I hear so much hand wringing about not spelling out every detail of how to do it.

    Well just do what those guys did. Google how to do it.Or ask.

    Endless prattling about the exact peening hammer to use. Yeah,, lets discuss that just as they did and try and find the perfect hammer that will produce the perfect peened pin. It should be 3 ounces.. no ,, 4 is better.. bla , bla , bla.
    Tell you the truth I don't use a peening hammer. I got a tack hammer in the dollar bin at the Ace hardware store and worked on the face to give me the results I wanted.
    Oh,, I have a very pretty one. But I don't use it.
    And yet,, I get compliments regularly on my peening. Go figure. I'll let everyone else contemplate the perfect hammer. Till then I'll just go build some razors.
    A dollar POS tack hammer. I like it better than my pretty Peening hammer. Why? I get results with it. And it works time after time and I know exactly what it can do.
    Last edited by mycarver; 06-01-2014 at 07:58 AM.

  10. #59
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I would hope that anyone reading mycarver's post - the one just ahead of mine - will take it as the definitive answer to any and all questions over the controversy caused by his posting of the fine work that he does. I'm a creative artist in a different field, and in comparison the same rules apply regardless of the field. You start with nothing and end up with something and you hope it is appreciated someday by someone. And he is most correct, to paraphrase it, there is no magic bullet you can use to achieve success.

    And a word to those that need their hands held for every step they take and still can't quite achieve the same effect - if at first you don't succeed, don't blame someone else.

    And as the famed nose of entertainment, Jimmy Durante, would say, "Good Night Mrs. Calabash."

    I"m referring to post #57
    Last edited by Razorfeld; 06-01-2014 at 07:40 AM.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  11. #60
    Senior Member mycarver's Avatar
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    From a fellow artist a heart felt thanks!
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