hi there just thought id share my latest project .
i picked up a Wald 3118 razor from a flea market in Germany (paid 5 euro for it ! ).
in pretty decent shape , it has a name with accented letters scribed on one side of handle ...it reads I think ..."Brimfelsk 34"
i assume this was an owner at some point in 1934 perhaps ??
if any one knows the history id love to hear !
anyways it cleaned up really good and was my best shave yet !!
the steel has a slight blue hue to it the patina i guess .
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after cleaning i attempted in my own manner to hone it (pats myself on back )
and think i did my best work yet pops hair like a champ!
edge didnt take much work . i went at it with wet and dry sand paper on a sheet of glass starting with p500 grit and progressing up to 2000 . then i swiched to "micro mesh" sheets to go up to 12000
finished on a brown "franz swaty" stone and stropped on a wood backed homemade leather bench strop .
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hope you like !!
sorry i dont know how you guys measure blades , i will look in to it and put up measurements if you like ?
cheers !