Hi guys and sorry for the delay.

I used the term " original" loosely with the intention of copying the design of the scales the razor currently had.

The material is unusually light in color compared to other pieces I have seen. I 'kinda prefer this to seeing the cracks and dark color splotches though on a specific razor that too could work. But this also is quite different from all the traditional ivory I have .

It worked about the same as regular ivory . Slow going when thinning the scales since it's so hard. Harder I think than the other stuff. Wears out paper and belts in short order.

Working ivories is about on par with say , antler, bone and things like that. And being so hard you can't really make a mistake as any changes happen so gradually. Nothing gets away from you.
If you pause for a second on a sanding drum with horn for example , you'll remove a lot of material and possibly screw up the scale. Here? You're lucky if it shows up.

Thanks again for your comments and input. Hopefully I answered all the questions.